• dali48 in the 70s...
    ‎06.07.2012 Favourites on Twitter115... http://t.co/U3fDEjSL see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎04.07.2012 - New national standards ask schools to teach climate change http://t.co/o9zFIH5f via @climatereality see dali48 on Google etc...

    As a scientist, I know how important it is for our kids to get a top-notch science education. So it's extremely significant that a new set of national science standards – the first to be released in over a decade – explicitly ask our schools to address climate change.

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎4.7.The not so fairways: Wild weather silences golf tournament http://t.co/VlpF4c7t #ClimateCrisis #ClimateScience see http://t.co/7E73jWGf

    The cost to our safety and local economy at this major event was a not-so-subtle reminder of how dangerous storms can be, especially for summer events outside.

    via Twitter ·

  • Meine Twitterstatistik findet Ihr ab sofort auf http://t.co/xNralrRf via @tweetdiagram see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Blogspot,FB,Pinterest...

    Ihr wollt wissen wie sich euer Twitter Account entwickelt? Wann sind Follower dazu gekommen oder abgesprungen? Tweetdiagram sagt es Dir!

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎04.07.2012 - An interview with the subversive genius, Tomi Ungerer http://t.co/X8xIdHQN via @Phaidon

    In the run up to the author's 80th birthday, Tomi Ungerer talks to Tony Auth, editorial cartoonist for The Philadelphia Inquirer

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎3.07.2012 - Population explosion and... http://t.co/IYCjGStq see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest

    via Twitter ·

  • Population explosion and Global warming etc... see http://t.co/7E73jWGf http://t.co/EFGwNlgX

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎03.07.2012 Healthiness and Diseases.... http://t.co/cHaRYTqq see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎3.07.2012 People of the Web, unite! Join me and sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom #NetDeclaration http://t.co/hsdx3QJ8 via @freepress

    Tired of fighting bad bills like SOPA, PIPA and CISPA? Want to stand up against those who want to control what we do and say online? Add your name to the Declaration of Internet Freedom now.

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎2.07.2012 - Schopenhauer's influence... http://t.co/tAzjBEfr see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest

    via Twitter ·

  • Schopenhauer' s influence upon later thinkers etc... see http://t.co/7E73jWGf http://t.co/oRn1BxJD

    Privat-Lehrer und Autor in 41189 Wickrath... see hubpages.com, dali48.blogspot.com, twitter.com, copenhagenclimatenetwork.ning.com, goodreads.com... Bücher: Tagebuch 2008 und 2009, publiziert bei Bod.de, diary3 by dali48 on twitter ISBN/EAN 9783839109328 / 9783837098334 ... ebook4+5 in Bearbeitung...

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎02.07.2012 - The “Green” Religion Supplanting Christianity http://t.co/mAmXZtIg see dali48 on Google,Twitter,FB,Blogspot,Bod.de,Pinterest...

    The green movement is replacing Christianity - as the one true faith in particular parts of the United States. Guilt - is one of its major tactics global warming pioneer James Lovelock.

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎02.07.2012 Electric cars and pollution http://t.co/eeAn8TGb see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest

    via Twitter ·

  • Electric cars and harmful pollution etc... see http://t.co/7E73jWGf http://t.co/uWmGhjI2

    Priv.-Lehrer und Autor in 41189 Wickrath... see hubpages.com, dali48.blogspot.com, twitter.com, copenhagenclimatenetwork.ning.com, goodreads.com... Bücher: Tagebuch 2008/2009, publiziert bei Bod.de, diary3 by dali48 on twitter ISBN/EAN 9783839109328 / 9783837098334 ... ebook4+5 in Bearbeitung...

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎01.07.2012 Kant's philosophy and... http://t.co/lAl2JkOF see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest...

    via Twitter ·

  • Kant's philosophy and the study of Kantianism etc... see http://t.co/7E73jWGf http://t.co/fiCBDJN3

    Priv.-Lehrer und Autor in 41189 Wickrath... see hubpages.com, dali48.blogspot.com, twitter.com, copenhagenclimatenetwork.ning.com, goodreads.com... Bücher: Tagebuch 2008/2009, publiziert bei Bod.de, diary3 by dali48 on twitter ISBN/EAN 9783839109328 / 9783837098334 ... ebook4+5 in Bearbeitung...

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎30.06.2012 Kertesz 2002 and Fateless... http://t.co/yzqdmwSi see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎30.06.2012 - Kertesz 2002 and Fateless etc... see http://t.co/7E73jWGf http://t.co/FFa0HERY

    Priv.-Lehrer und Autor in 41189 Wickrath... see hubpages.com, dali48.blogspot.com, twitter.com, copenhagenclimatenetwork.ning.com, goodreads.com... Bücher: Tagebuch 2008/2009, publiziert bei Bod.de, diary3 by dali48 on twitter ISBN/EAN 9783839109328 / 9783837098334 ... ebook4+5 in Bearbeitung...

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎30.06.2012 - Solar panels and Solar lamps etc... see http://t.co/7E73jWGf http://t.co/95lDx4Fc

    Priv.-Lehrer und Autor in 41189 Wickrath... see hubpages.com, dali48.blogspot.com, twitter.com, copenhagenclimatenetwork.ning.com, goodreads.com... Bücher: Tagebuch 2008/2009, publiziert bei Bod.de, diary3 by dali48 on twitter ISBN/EAN 9783839109328 / 9783837098334 ... ebook4+5 in Bearbeitung...

    via Twitter ·

  • Tagebuch 2008 (German Edition) by 48 Dali, http://t.co/2e2gPJXX http://t.co/GTymW0DS

    Dieses aktuelle und zukünftige Tagebuch enthält den im Blogger veröffentlichten Teil meiner Tagebucheinträge auf Deutsch und Englisch anhand der Nobelpreisträger in Literatur von 2008 bis 1968 und anhand der gelesenen Bücher in alternativer Medizin und verwandter Fachgebiete wie z.B. Zen...

    via Twitter ·

  • ‎30.06.2012 - Solar panels and Solar lamps... http://t.co/L5UggxxI see dali48 on Bod.de,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest...

    Annex2 to the blogs of dali48
    dali48 in Baden-Baden 8/2010
    For further reading, see Books, blogs, comments, tweets, buzz... of dali48 on Google, Books by dali48 on twitter, Facebook, Blogspot, Goodreads, StumbleUpon, Amazon, Bod.de, Pinterest, etc...
    diary 3: by dali48 on twitter diary3 by dali48 on twitter 
    Diary3 by dali48 on twitter is about healing in the past and the future - focused on the present. It includes the following authors: Ayya Khema, S. Hite, VE Frankl, M. Messeguer, G. Marquez, W. Golding, Dalai Lama, DTSuzuki, J. Seiffert, Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddha, Jvd Wetering, Allen Ginsberg, C. Simon, Johannes Paul1, K. Dürckheim, W. Soyinka, S. Freud, Sloterdiyk, J. Brodsky, P. Celan, A. Schweitzer, G. Groddeck, hl.Hildegard, IB Singer, T. Dethlefsen, AT Kushi...

    Golden Snow “thank you dali48 for your very informative and interesting Dairy 3 - filled with so much to help us with our health and improve our ways of eating, Herbal information ... I loved learning of others lives and condition they live, writers whose words have been smothered, because truth was written ... loved every moment of reading”...

    • Golden Snow "Most interesting book I have read in many years ... the truth within the pages alone are a refreshing change ... covers so many subjects, thank you dali48"...

    Tagebuch 2009: Wie ich psychisch u. physisch wie...
    siehe Bod.de, etc. - Diary 2009 by dali 48 on twitter is about a 25-year-old, both psychological and even physical healing process by using natural medicine - especially herbal medicines, and also meditation exercises from Zen Buddhism. Inspiring to further reading are also excerpts from speeches of Nobel laureates in literature from 2009 to currently back 1959, etc... 

    's review
    "a book filled with important information to guide one through life in health both body and mind ... also to learn history as it has taken place ... five stars from me ... Thanks dali48"... 

    Tagebuch 2008
    Tagebuch 2008 von dali48, siehe Google, Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/dali48

    Diary 2008 of dali48 contains many valuable tips of the alternative medicine and phytotherapy. The introduction to Zen Buddhism is also good for laymen to understand. Inspiring and stimulating to further reading are the excerpts of speeches of Nobel Laureates in Literature - starting with Le Clézio (2008), back to Beckett, Boell, Kawabata, Solzhenitsyn, etc... Tags: Ayya Khema, Valerian, Comfrey, Nettle, Buddha, Buddhism, Clézio Covitz Dukkha parents emotions inflammation, earth, cold, food, fennel, woman, joy, peace, feel, danger, feeling, Spirit, Health, gout, happiness, "God", skin heart, helps, cough, immune, St John's, Chamomile, Kawabata, Ayya Khema, children, headache, body, disease, cancer, life, suffering, love, life, dandelion, People, migraine, natural, nerve, Nobel, rheumatoid, patients, parsley, sage, shadow, yarrow, sleep, insomnia, pain, soul, September 2008, Smullyan, Solzhenitsyn, plantain, stress, Centaury, Thich Nhat Hanh, thyme, subconsciously, mourning, past, losses, juniper, water, hawthorn, world, work, world, sugar, etc...
    Facebook of Golden Snow https://www.facebook.com/golden.snow.3

    Golden Snow Enjoying your many post on health dali48 ... it means a lot in my life to have sites and blogs to follow and gain better health ... I have been fighting a Chemical war inside my body for 29 years and found relief in so many of your posts ... my health has improved to the point I can do my own shopping at the market ... I love the fact that your Diaries contains a mixture of great information for the readers ... so well chosen ... well thought out to help everyone” ...

    see "Banking Crisis 2008" and Climate Change and robots and poor people and social diseases and homelessness etc. - instead of basic income (ca. 500 euro) - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce honey etc... (dali48)

    see dali48 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and Copenhagen 2009 etc...