Montag, 24. Juni 2024

24.06.2024 - Reason vs. Blindness / Volcanoes & Environment / Problems of Bees & Butterflies etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing near Lake Morper in Erkrath etc.

06.01.2014 - Volcanoes and environmental problems etc. by dali48 
28.10.2000 - Interpretation of dali48 
Reason wants to free mankind of its craziness and its blindness, - of its greed and its hate - because all these evils are the cause of its situation of suffering... (Meier / Khoury) 

Man lives in a bad situation, and he suffers of the dominance of evil. - We cannot close our eyes any longer in front of the big social and environmental problems (see dali48 and Bees & "Flora & Fauna" since ca. 2000 etc. - see “If the bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have 4 years left to live.” ― Albert Einstein) which are confronting us on this planet... (R. Aitken)

Date: May 15, 2024; Source: PLOS; Summary: Bee and butterfly populations are in decline in major regions of North America due to ongoing environmental ...
The earth becomes more explosive - see e.g. 1980, the volcano St. Helens in the US-State of Washington. - 3 of ca. 500 volcanoes become active per month, - the axis of the earth is shifting, - the powers which become effective by that surmount our imagination... (K. Allgeier) 
dali48 ‏@dali48  
Icelandic volcano (Eyjafjallajökull) stops international flights via@Focus online see dali48 on FB,,,, etc.

Vulkane: Isländischer Vulkan stoppt internationalen Flugverkehr ... › Panorama › Aus aller Welt‎ Translate this page
Apr 14, 2010 - Vulkane: Isländischer Vulkan stoppt internationalen Flugverkehr ... dpa In der unmittelbaren Umgebung des Vulkans mussten mehr als 700 Anwohner zum ... In Reykjavik verlautete, dass für Donnerstag mit einer massiven...

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