Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2024

03.07.2024 - Dreamlike quality of life / Reincarnation / Galileo's people / Milrepa / Buddha & transitoriness etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Search Resultsdali48 and writing books and photographing apple blossoms etc...

03.07.2020 - C. T. Rinpoche / Ramakrishna / dali48 / Milarepa / Buddha etc...

18.12.1997 - Interpretation of dali48
Always recognize the dreamlike quality of life and reduce attachment and aversion. Be kindhearted to all beings. - Be loving and compassionate no matter what others do to you (see their karma etc. -d.48). - What they do does not count so much when one can see it as a dream. - The trick is to cherish good intentions during the dream. - This is the essential. - This is true spirituality ... (C. T. Rinpoche)

Chögyam Trungpa - Wikipedia

Born in the Nangchen region of Tibet in March 1939, Chögyam Trungpa was eleventh in the line of Trungpa tülkus, important figures in the Kagyu lineage, one of the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Among his three main teachers were Jamgon Kongtrul of Sechen, HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, and Khenpo Gangshar.
Teachers‎: ‎Jamgon Kongtrul of Sechen; ‎Dilgo ...
Lineage‎: ‎Kagyu‎ and ‎Nyingma
Cause of death‎: ‎Myocardial infarction‎ and ‎Liver ...
Born‎: ‎March 5, 1939; Nangchen, Kham region, ...

After I discovered the reincarnation, time was no longer limited. - I was no longer slave of the clock. - Would you invest 1/10 of the time you devote to the distractions - like looking for women or making money - for the spiritual practice - then you would be enlightened in a few years ... (Ramakrishna)

Ramakrishna - Wikipedia

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa ( Ramkṛiṣṇo Pôromôhongśo (help·info); 18 February 1836 – 16 August 1886, born Gadadhar Chattopadhyaya, was an Indian Hindu mystic, saint, and religious leader in 19th century Bengal.
Philosophy‎: ‎Advaita Vedanta‎; ‎Bhakti‎; ‎Tantra
Founder of‎: ‎Ramakrishna Order
Religion‎: ‎Hinduism
Guru‎: ‎Ramakrishna had many gurus including, ...

Just as Galileo's people have held the earth as the center of the solar system, today we hold our body or our "ego" as the center of the environment - what is also an illusion ... (dali48)

You should practice all your life - without hope of realization ... (Milrepa)

The life of Milarepa: a short life-story of the yogi Milarepa

From the Gungthang province of Western Tibet, close to Nepal, Milarepa (1052-1135) had a hard childhood and a dark youth. He was only seven when his ...

So there is a way to accept transitoriness, and at the same time to enjoy life - without grasping. Since life is nothing but a constant flow of birth, death, and transition, we are constantly making "bardo experiences." - Of all traces, the elephant is the largest. Of all mindfulness meditations - is the highest about death ... (Buddha)

Buddha - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Buddha is the holiest type of being in Buddhism, a teacher of God's and humans. The word Buddha means "enlightened one" in Sanskrit or Fully Awakened ...

03.07.2024 - Maurice Mességué and plants & herbal teas & roses & bees etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing in Erkrath etc.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
The plants are much more beautiful now, but that is a devilish beauty! From now on, you carry all these toxic chemicals (see fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, etc. - d.48) within you, often in such high doses that they not only impair the beneficial active ingredients, but can even turn them into negative ones. But what is even worse for humans is the fact that up to 50% of these pesticide residues are incorporated into herbal teas, and are thus directly absorbed by the sick. Instead of being cured, they unknowingly expose themselves to considerable risks, because these residues are often carcinogenic. And that is a nightmare! ... (M. Messegue)

Anyone who does not protect themselves or cannot protect themselves inevitably attracts the violence of those around them! ... (A. Karedig)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Business has always been done out of the suffering of others. It will stay that way! ... (ZDF, Early Sites of Christianity)

I hate crowds of people, overpopulated cities, but in the abundance of roses (nature) I find peace! ... (M. M.)

To stay young, you just have to start over again and again! ... Without honor, there is no dignity, and therefore no human being! ... (J. Cocteau)

"primum non nocere" - is more important than fighting illness in the short term ... (dali48)

My God, how sad are the times when people can no longer trust people! ... These forests full of deathly silence, - a tragedy that people and their chemicals (see Golden G. Snow etc. - d.48) are to blame for... Not these artificially cultivated hothouse roses that no bee would ever approach. To us they smell of nothing, but to the bees they smell of death (see also bee and bumblebee deaths along my daily cycle path in Erkrath, see neonics etc. – d.48) ... (M. Méssegué)

Maurice Mességué war ein französischer Pflanzenheilkundler und erfolgreicher Autor. Wikipedia