Dienstag, 2. Juli 2024

02.07.2024 - Modern society / Zen / T.N.H. / C.G. Jung / Buddhist philosophy / C. Grof & survival etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and feeding & photographing ducks in the snow in Erkrath etc.

21.01.2014 - Survival mechanisms1 and spiritual Life etc. by dali48

20.05.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
If we are not careful, it can easily happen that we repeat the great fault of our modern society: - ambition, materialism, and isolation - in our spiritual life again... (J. Kornfield)
Does this path have a heart? - If so, then it is a good way - If not, it is useless...  
The rain has stopped / the clouds have cleared away / and it is clear again / your heart is pure / then all things are pure in your world...  
Then you will be guided (see accompanied by the Sun and Wind and birds etc. – d.48) by the moon and the flowers on your way... (Ryokan, Zen poet)
Keep in mind - how all the joys and sorrows, pleasant events and unpleasant events, people, peoples, and even cultures, come and go...  
Life exists only in the present. - Life is only possible at the present moment, because the past is gone, - and the future is not yet... 
When we are in line with what we can do just now, - body and spirit live in harmony. - We can smile, make peace with ourselves and our environment...  
Because happiness does not wait at the end of the trip, but is in every little step on the street of daily life, - unaware of us, and supports us there. Every second of life becomes a gift... (T.N.H.) 

Careful speech can bring true happiness, - and careless talk can kill. - Are we aware of how often we judge and condemn every day, order and violate, and let off steam by our lust for power. - As long as our ancestors suffer in us, we cannot be truly happy...  
Children are especially able to practice mindfulness, - and to remind others of it...  
When we practice mindfulness, - we will know how we can invade deep into the nature of war and rouse others with our insight...  
All we will say, think or do with mindfulness - is described as "something that has the taste of Zen" in itself...  
There is no enlightenment - outside of daily life...  
Gustav Jung described alcoholism - as a spiritual thirst for wholeness, a desire for understanding, personal fulfillment and spiritual unity. That all of us innate thirst, caused by deep wounds from our past and the desire to escape the pain - may lead to the addiction of various mood-substances (see e.g. cigarettes, alcohol, pills, etc. - d.48), and behavior (see withdrawal from the outside &  migration to the inside etc. - d.48)...  
The root of all human suffering is caused by being addicted or desire according to Buddhist philosophy, and the path to liberation lies in a daily exercise - which is including an element of letting go and to surrender...  
I describe our survival mechanisms - in a non-supportive or hostile world, our need to escape the pain of life... (C. Grof)

End of ediary4

02.07.2024 - "St. Louis" 1933 / "Wall Street" 1929 / "Banking Crisis" 2008 / Inflation 2022 etc. by dali48

dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing Stumble Stones in Wickrath etc.

21.01.2014 - "St. Louis"1 and "Wall Street" etc. by dali48
1929/1933 and 2008/2012? ... by dali48 on HP
08.04.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
At last the captain (see G. Schroeder, ship "St. Louis" - d.48) succeeded in obtaining a license of discharge from the authorities of Antwerp (in 1933)...
Belgium, Holland, France and England took on the 937 Jews who longed for the country of the United States (they had already seen it and been rejected)...
Some of them later came in the hands of Nazis during the attack on Western Europe. - They were killed because the country of the Statue of Liberty wasn't ready to open the "golden gate" to them… (R. Winter)

It took a national catastrophe, namely the legendary crash at the "Wall Street" (1929) with the mass impoverishment. - 85000 businesses went under. - 5000 banks closed their doors forever. - 9 million savings accounts were not worth anything. - to enable an administration to adopt social legislation, which earned that name (see "We are all a part of 'UN' - see Human Rights, see "Banking Crisis" 2008 without Basic Income" etc. - d.48)… (D.S. Wyman)

Ceteris paribus, financial crises lead to higher inflation rates. Currency crises have a stronger and longer effect compared to banking crises. Sovereign debt crises also raise inflation rates. Monetary policy and public debt explain a part of the effect.

02.07.2024 - Sheer adjustment / Harmony addicts / Epicurus / Environment & Fear of Life etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and photographing Lake Morper in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

21.01.2014 – Environment1 and Fear of Life etc. by dali48

15.04.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
Of course, everyone wants to be loved and accepted, but that should not go so far that one constantly bends, - and has no more backbone by sheer adjustment...
That makes us neither endearing nor acceptable in the eyes of our fellow human beings. - Quite the opposite is the case... (H. Kluge)

In addition, you will notice with surprise that many people appreciate it - when we only express what we feel, think, and wish above all...
Harmony addicts are strongly threatened by injury. - As they themselves don’t want to hurt anybody, they require such a setting unconsciously with others...
Disorders occur because of unconscious psychological conflicts and unprocessed emotional distress. - They manifest themselves e.g. in heart rate, headaches, stomach aches, impotence, allergies, anorexia nervosa and bulimia...
Causes are:
1 Partner problems (loss, separation, death)...
2 Stress at work or school (over- or underload, bullying)...
3 Too high standards (trying to be fair to everyone else – but only not to one’s own needs)...
This happiness is achieved according to Epicurus - by inner steadfastness, rational insight, and the avoidance of everything which causes more pain than pleasure...
One is indeed often described as selfish, precisely by those people - of which one cannot be ruthlessly exploited...
The most important lesson for me was: you simply can’t make it right to everyone. - Even not to yourself...
Do not expect anything by those around you that they cannot afford or want. - Or do you expect from a cat that she barks?
Wait and drink tea! - A very wise rule...
The old saying to "sleep over it" only once - proves to be so today...
Who is premature easily makes mistakes. - Who can wait lets the others make mistakes...

A patient person is better than the mighty... (Solomon)

Being able to wait, requires stamina, and this must first be trained. - He who laughs last, laughs best...

Time (see health etc. - d.48) is the most precious commodity - because you cannot buy it for cash... (Jewish proverb)

Who lives faster - will sooner pass away! ... (a proverb on a station-WC)

A man who only wants the good - will inevitably perish in the midst of so many people (see mob, see bullying etc. - d.48), which are not good... (N. Machiavelli, 1513)

Good is everything that makes you feel good. - Bad is everything that makes you feel bad... (E. Hemingway)

Bullying has become a term that currently is often at school. - Slander and blackmail now belong to the repertoire of many people...
Added to this bleak outlook, as far as labor, environment and world peace is concerned...
People have always been suffering under the fear of life, - and thoughts of the end… (see e.g. Wagner's Gotterdämmerung, see Younger Edda with the Nibelungenlied 1000 AD etc. - d.48)...

Epikur war ein griechischer Philosoph, Begründer des Epikureismus und der epikureischen Schule. Diese im Hellenismus parallel zur Stoa entstandene philosophische Schule hat durch die von Epikur entwickelte hedonistische Lehre seit ihren Anfängen zwischen Anhängern und Gegnern polarisierend gewirkt. Wikipedia