Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2024

27.06.2024 - Guava fruit juice and Health & anti-cancer activity in vitro etc. by dali48

dali48 and writing books and photographing apple blossoms in the park of Wickrath Castle, June 2012 etc.

11.01.2014 - Guava fruit juice and Health etc. by dali48

see 30.06.2012 - Guava fruit juice and Health etc. by dali48
30.06.2012 - Interpretation of dali48 
Guavas are plants in the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae) genus Psidium (meaning "pomegranate" in Latin), which contains about 100 species of tropical shrubs and small trees. They are native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Guavas are now cultivated and naturalized throughout the tropics and subtropics in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, subtropical regions of North America, and Australia...
The term "guava" appears to derive from Arawak guayabo "guava tree", via the Spanish guayaba. It has been adapted in many European languages: goiaba (Portuguese), Guave (Dutch and German), goyave (French), the Japanese guaba (グアバ)...
The fruit is not only relished by humans, but by many mammals and birds as well. The spread of introduced guavas owes much to this fact, since animals eat the fruit and disperse the seeds in their droppings...
In several tropical regions, including Hawaii, some species (namely Strawberry Guava, P. littorale, and to a lesser extent Apple Guava) have become invasive species. On the other hand, several species have become very rare due to habitat destruction and at least one (Jamaican Guava, P. dumetorum), is already extinct...
Guava wood is used for meat smoking in Hawaii and is used at barbecue competitions across the United States. In Cuba and Mexico the leaves are used in barbecues...
Guava fruit generally have a pronounced and typical fragrance, similar to lemon rind but less sharp. Guava pulp may be sweet or sour, tasting something between pear and strawberry, off-white ("white" guavas) to deep pink ("red" guavas), with the seeds in the central pulp of variable number and hardness, depending on species...
Guavas are cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries. Several species are grown commercially; apple guava and its cultivars are those most commonly traded internationally...
Guavas are also of interest to home growers in temperate areas. They are one of the few tropical fruits that can grow to fruiting size in pots indoors. When grown from seed, guavas can bear fruit as soon as two years, or as long as eight years...
In Mexico, the Agua fresca beverage is popularly made with Guava. The entire fruit is a key ingredient in punch, and the juice extract is often used in culinary sauces (hot or cold), as well as artisan candies, dried snacks, fruit bars, desserts, or dipped in Chamoy. Pulque de Guava is a popular blend of the native alcoholic beverage...
Because of its high level of pectin, guavas are extensively used to make candies, preserves, jellies, jams, and marmalades (such as Brazilian goiabada and Colombian and Venezuelan bocadillo), and also for juices (see Guava fruit juice which I tried for the first time in an Asian shop near the Central Library in Düsseldorf in the 80s etc. - d.48) and aguas frescas...
In Asia, a drink is made from an infusion of guava fruits and leaves. In Brazil, the infusion made with guava tree leaves (chá-de-goiabeira, i.e. "tea" of guava tree leaves) is considered medicinal...
Guavas are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, folic acid, and the dietary minerals, potassium, copper and manganese. Having a generally broad, low-calorie profile of essential nutrients, a single common guava (P. guajava) fruit contains about four times the amount of vitamin C as an orange...
From preliminary medical research in laboratory models, extracts from apple guava leaves or bark are implicated in therapeutic mechanisms against cancer, bacterial infections, inflammation and pain. Essential oils from guava leaves display anti-cancer activity in vitro...
Guava leaves are used in folk medicine as a remedy for diarrhea and, as well as the bark, for their supposed antimicrobial properties and as an astringent. Guava leaves or bark are used in traditional treatments against diabetes. In Trinidad, a tea made from young leaves is used for diarrhea, dysentery and fever... (Wikipedia)

This delicious FOCO drink is made from the tropical fruit of the guava. It is very refreshing and nutritious. Informations. Nutritional Values per 100g.
0,89 €

27.06.2024 - Michael Moore and "Stupid White Men" and Room in the lifeboat etc. by dali48

dali48 and private tuition and writing diary & books and photographing his bike in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

10.01.2014 - Michael Moore1 and "Stupid White Men" etc. by dali48
22.04.2010 - Interpretation of dali48
In his book "Stupid White Man" Moore describes the position of the United States: The foreign policy as a series of hair-raising mistakes, the stock market which turns out as a playground for scammers (see e.g. 1929 and 2008, etc. - d.48 )...
Many investors are ruined, the economy is in decline (see e.g. Green Deal etc. - d.48 )...
In this statement that is full of malicious joke Moore shows what goes wrong in the only remaining world power USA. He also spares no one and nothing, and shows the weaknesses of the political system as well as the impact of unchecked capitalism (see John Paul II, etc. - d.48)...
Michael Moore succeeds here a rare blend of rock-hard political book and witty satire that leaves no one indifferent...
"As I sit now so with a car (see e.g. my second-hand VW Beetles in the 70s etc. - d.48) which does not drive, in a country where nothing works and everything stinks to heaven. - And every man, woman, and child stands alone, and is plagued with testing by the state...
Share to Darwin: Survival of the Richest. - Only the rich survive (see lacking Basic Income & human rights for the poor, see "flora & fauna" & biodiversity since ca. 2000 etc.? - d.48)...
Do not think that for you or you there is still room in the lifeboat (if the guardian angels do not intervene in time, see e.g. volcanic ash from Iceland in 2010 etc. - d.48, see the ash chaos in figures: 95,000 canceled flights, seven million stranded passengers, and 313 closed airports, etc. -

But there must be a better solution! ...

27.06.2024 - Zen and daily life and a little mindfulness etc. by dali48

dali48 and private tuition and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

10.01.2014 – Zen1 and daily life etc. by dali48
30.09.2000 – Interpretation of dali48
The aim of the master is to bring the egocentric slacker so far - that he ceases to pose with masks... (J.v.d. Wetering)
"Do you think the tent could pollute the Buddhist dogma (see dogmas are undemocratic etc. - d.48)", asked Roshi?  
My body, consisting of air, water, fire and earth is "dust." - For years it had, in its incredible complexity, done its work, but then some microbes are causing an irreparable imbalance, or a bullet or a knife has destroyed a vital organ, or there are grown cancer cells, or do I have it hung in a fit of termination weariness. Whatever has also happened, the body no longer works. - The act of physical death is completed. What now? - There are many small ends, there are no large ends...  
If the Dalai Lama smiles - the seals are barking on my coast. This is a "koan"...  
A polar bear farts, sparrows fall from the roof in Kyoto (this implies to me that all living beings are connected etc. - d.48)...  
We have invented another, we have seen each other wrong, we just made each other ideas that are not real. So what is real? Probably, Hume guessed - nothing! Perhaps only a void is real, "the void" which contains our ideas... (D. Hume, 1711 - 1776) 
When he died of cancer at the age of 65 years, he wrote to his friends cheerfully "I anticipate a speedy resolution now. - If a man dies of my age, he only missed a few years of sickly infirmity... (D. Hume)
"What do you want to be"? - "I want to be nothing Great-grandfather." - "Are you lucky, my dear, you are it already"... (Hakuin)
As long as I continued to believe in values, I was doomed, God, gods, creators, parents, authorities, even "Roshi and Sensei" gave me the blame - for what I thought was not "right"... (Jvd Wetering)
Happiness is for the lucky ones. There is no merit in it. - "Are you one of God’s errors or is God one of yours?"...  
Life is of no intrinsic value, and it also doesn’t lack it, it is only man who insists to assess life... (F. Nietzsche, 1876)
Even if a Holocaust is so terrible that we are tempted to shout "God is dead" (see  e.g. "the king is dead", etc. - d.48), we will create "him" again in another form - because we cannot bear to live without an ego-structure...  
The sky welcomes all slaves, - losers for just now...  
We are wasting no time trying to be moral or immoral. Let us just be! - Amorality produces considerate, friendly natures...  
It is the rule, to invite each other to dinner - rather than open fire to the tiny silhouette...  
"Have you eaten yet, stranger?"...   
“Only the daily life”, said Baba. “Plus a little mindfulness”...  
I told him that his sexual desire, frustrated at first, later perverted, helped to ruin the Buddhist center where I had studied... (Jvd Wetering)
The greatest events - these are not our noisiest but our quietest hours... (F. Nietzsche)

2024 - Zen and Life etc. / C. G. Jung etc. / J.v.d. Wetering etc. / dali48 and photos etc. ...