Montag, 10. März 2025

10.03.2025 - Childhood and Family and Relationships and Normality and Feelings etc.

dali48 and private teaching since 8/1983, menaced since 1989, and writing diary & books & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

dali48 and playing chess and stopping smoking as a sports student in Tübingen in the 70s etc.

dali48 profile image

dali48 was born in SHA in 1948... Studies in Tübingen in 1970 etc. Teacher & Author in Erkrath, 8/1983 till 5/2010 ... retired in Wickrath since 6/2013 etc.

see dali48 and "I think - therefore I am" etc. (Descartes)
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48) 
see dali48 and "Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan) 
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema) 
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha) 
Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and own experiences and reading & writing about Kübler-Ross, Moody, NDE, LAL etc. 
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray! (Robert Green Ingersoll) 

see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc. - see e.g. Zen and Buddhism & Peace & Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema etc, and St Nicholas, St Hildegard, St Francis etc. (dali48)

see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Homeopathy of S. Hahnemann (ca. 200 years old) should be updated, - i.e. for me more Mother tincture & less medicine shaking, and why is there no homeopathic vaccination? - see "similibus" principle etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech (formerly in Mainz, now in London) & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer etc."
see dali48 and Vollgeld-Initiative & Basic Income in Europe etc. - instead of Banking Crisis 2008 etc.
I also like weeping willow trees - e.g. when I was on camping vacation in the 80s in France & Spain, I had my lunch (fish soup) under such a tree (that was like a tent) in the park of Bordeaux etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" since ca. 2000, and deforestation instead of planting trees etc
see dali48 and trees and "flora & fauna" and healthy air etc..
see dali48 and Bread - instead of fire-works harming animals, pets etc.
see dali48 and Democracy & human rights & gender justice etc.
"Respect for life - should be the only religion in the world!" - "Religion is a journey inside - and meditation is the way there." ... (Osho)
see dali48 and health and suitable shoes & foot hygiene etc.
see dali48 and “If the Trees disappeared off the face of the earth - mankind would only have little left to live healthy,” see e.g. Amazonas forest, Indonesia etc, see e.g. @CGShanghaiAir Shanghai - 2023-03-06 4PM - PM2.5 - 103 AQI - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups ... etc. 
see dali48 and trees & photo synthesis and fresh air and health and cooling and biodiversity etc.
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" and reforesting etc.
siehe „Eine Gesellschaft ohne Gott, ist wie eine gut organisierte Räuberbande“, hat Papst Benedikt den Bundestagsabgeordneten ins Stammbuch geschrieben (see e.g. Cum-Ex etc. - d.48)
see dali48 and demand for the repayment of 300 euros of self-approved inflation compensation for politicians at the taxpayer's expense etc.
see dali48 and health and herbs (see e.g. M. Mességué), and e.g. kidney-tea, gastrointestinal tea, tea for colds etc.
see dali48 and "Words have no direct reference to life, are only a pale echo or image of something that itself is no longer there" ... (D. T. Suzuki)
see dali48's mother Gabriele and playing piano in Steinbach in the 50s, see dali48 and playing piano for 1 year with Mrs Kirsch in SHA in the 50s, and Christmas songs with Mrs Takahashi in Erkrath in the 80s
see dali48 and writing Tagebuch 2008 + 2009, diary3 (2010) in Erkrath, ediary4+5 (2011+2012), Collection of ediary6-12 (2013-2019) in Wickrath etc.
diary 3: by dali48 on twitter : Dali, 48: Bücher dali48: Bücher, Biographie, neuestes Aktualisierung

23.12.1998 – Interpretation by dali48 + update
How much did you enjoy your childhood? -You have seen your parents do not laugh and make jokes and nonsense! - Life was a very serious and annoying issue! - It just was not fun to have fun (except as a student in Tübingen, etc. 1970 till ca. 1974 - d.48)! - In your house was no place for it! - You gave up! - It was not possible! ...
Fear of being left by that person is the obstacle to building a relationship! - A couple has always to do with misunderstandings or anger! - The tiniest mistake becomes for adult children of alcoholics very quickly a huge problem, - because the issue “will leave” comes to the fore! ...
Adult children of alcoholics: show an over-reaction to changes to which they have no control, - are constantly looking for recognition and confirmation, - usually have the feeling of being different from other people! - Are either exaggerated responsible or totally irresponsible! - They accept everything for themselves or give up entirely! - Nothing in between! - They are extremely reliable, - even if it is obvious that something or someone does not deserve this reliability! - This so-called “reliability” is primarily a result of fear and uncertainty! - They are impulsive! - They tend to be bogged down with behaviors, without considering alternative possibilities for action or possible consequences seriously! ...
This impulsivity leads to confusion, self-loathing and loss of control over their environment! - The result is that they have to spend enormous amounts of energy, to resolve again the wrought by confusion! - They cancel a job, without realizing that they have no other income! - They marry without having met the other really! - By their lack of patience all their problems are exacerbated! - The main impact of their impulsiveness and their self-condemnation is encouraged! ...
Normal is as much myth as Santa Claus and Easter Bunny! - What works best for you? - What is best for you? - And best for your family? - The task is to find out what you feel and your family! - You have while you were growing up, very often found that you were not taken seriously! - You tend to withdraw too quickly, - and believe that your feelings are not worth anything! ...
You believe every day anew in yourself! - If you do day after day, you can change any bad habit! - The adults did not say what they thought,- nor did they mean what they said (see e.g. lies & deception etc. - d.48)! ...
A certain reliability is appropriate when it comes to the relationship with a child - that is going through a particularly difficult stage of development, or the relationship with a person who is ill, - and can not give what it has otherwise given! ...
People who do not deserve our reliability, - are often very critical of us! - They spend much time trying to tell us what is wrong with us all! - No one has the right to treat you bad - because you love each other, and are important! ...
For me it's important to hear what someone did last week (see in the past etc. - d.48), instead he tells me what he intends tonight (see in the future etc. - d.48)! - Whenever you think you need to put something immediately into action, you should recognize it as a wrong decision, - and wondering yourself at the same moment, what would be the consequences if you did it! ...
The drinking alcoholic lies mostly in the form of promises he does not respect! - Even the child doesn’t want to see the truth! - Nobody wants it! - Meeting the reality is, however, return to health! - If your children need not hide feelings it reduces their load! - Feelings are not right or wrong. - They simply exist! - It's okay to be angry, but it is wrong to behave so destructively! - The anger that one turns inward is causing stomach problems, - depression, - and all sorts of other problems! - Dinner, bedtime and homework are subject to a fixed schedule! - By unreliability, children are disoriented and lose the sense of who they are! - You can not feel comfortable in your skin when you never know what will happen the next day! ...
Children of alcoholics feel helpless! - Life is a burden to them! - We grow strong in the hard times, and not in the easy ones! ... Alcoholism symptoms: excessive dependence and the inability to express emotions, - low frustration tolerance, - emotional immaturity, - a high level of anxiety in interpersonal relationships, -low self-esteem; - pomposity, feelings of isolation, perfectionism, ambivalence to authority, feelings of guilt! ...
Reaction of the family: denial, - take protection, - compassion, - concern for the drinker, - shame, - avoidance of situations in which alcohol is drunk, - change of relationship position, – dominance, assumption of power, self-employment, guilt, obsession, constant worry, fear, - lying, confused, sexual problems, anger, lethargy, hopelessness, self-pity, remorse, and despair!  ... (J. G. Woititz)

Aus dem Englischen übersetzt-Janet Beigel Geringer Woititz war eine amerikanische Psychologin und Forscherin, die vor allem für ihre Schriften und Vorträge über die problematischen Nachkommen alkoholkranker Eltern bekannt war, darunter das 1983 erschienene Bestseller-Buch Adult Children of Alcoholics. Wikipedia (Englisch)

see dali48 and reading & writing about Psychology & Psychiatry and e.g. Freud, Adler, Jung, and Groddeck, Frankl, Fromm, Reich, A. Janov, and Laing, Cooper, and M. Rufer, A. Wolf-Schuler, T. Wollf, I. D. Yalom, J. Bradshaw, V. Kast, A. Lowen, E. Reich, P. Lauster, P. Schellenbaum, J. Murphy, S. Steinbrecher, E. Kübler-Ross, R. A. Moody, K. Ring, I. D. Suttie, E. Jacobson, S. Forward, H. Gastager, C. M. Steiner, W. G. Niederland, R. Funk, N. Schwartz-Salant, J. Shaw, M. Woodman, R. Reich-Moise, M.-L. v. Franz, M.B. Roberts, H. König, H.-J. Maaz, G. Boyesen, W. Hollstein, A. Samuels, J. Lacan, M. Klein, O. Fenichel, S.A. Carter, J. Sokol, J. G. Woititz etc.

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