Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2024

15.10.2024 - E. Klaus and Sugar & Candida albicans & Therapy / A.-A. Cavelius and Social phobia etc.

dali48 and writing diary & books and photographing a horse in the park of Wickrath etc.
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48) 
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema / dali48) 
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha / dali48) 
Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc.
see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Amazon.de: dali48: books, biography, latest update
ediary4 by dali48

12.06.1999 - Interpretation of dali48
Calcium robbers make teeth and bones soft and susceptible; Phosphate content increases; Overheated reaction; Abdominal pain, muscle cramps, often urination, bone damage, osteoporosis; Sugar = energy reserve for tumors; Sugar is one of the most important indications of colonization with Candida albicans... (E. Klaus)
Bitter and sour, and the mushrooms are broken; La-Pacho tea (Taheebo tea) helps against fungi (nasal symptoms);
Echinacea: immune system, fungi, herpes, bladder infection;
Caffeine extracts the body: Mg, Ca, Vitamin B; Milk sugar is permitted, no alcohol; Bran and linseed scrape mushrooms from the intestinal wall and direct them out of the body, buckwheat is good because of its fibers, to the recovery of the intestine.
Effects of fungal therapy:
Building the intestinal flora, strengthening the immune system, treatment of allergies, correct pH value, elimination of vitamin, mineral and trace element deficiency, stopping existing diseases or healing them... (E. Klaus)

Caffeine and sugar have a negative effect on the nervous and immune system. - They trigger allergies and cause anxiety...
When anxiety vitamin B complex helps:
Thiamine, niazinamide, choline, riboflavin, biotin, pyridoxine, folic acid, pantothenic acid; Calcium; Cod liver oil (vitamin F); Amino acids: glutamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid...
Social phobia, when anxiety prevails, is to be regarded as morbid, to feel constantly observed, and to feel judged by others, - so that the person concerned withdraws completely from society... (A.-A. Cavelius)
Welche Lebensmittel töten Candida? Geeignete Lebensmittel: Wasser, Gemüsesäfte und Tomatensäfte ohne Zuckerzusatz. Diätlimonaden mit Süßstoff (ohne Zuckerzusatz), Bohnenkaffe, schwarzer Tee, grüner Tee und Kräutertees. Ungeeignete Lebensmittel: Fruchtsäfte (gezuckerte und ungezuckerte), Sirup und Fruchtnektare, süße Milchgetränke.21.02.2024

Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogenic yeast that is a common member of the human gut flora. It can also survive outside the human body.
Species‎: ‎C. albicans
Class‎: ‎Saccharomycetes
Family‎: ‎Saccharomycetaceae
Division‎: ‎Ascomycota
Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia, is an anxiety disorder characterized by sentiments of fear and anxiety in social situations,

May 22, 2017 - Herzlich Willkommen! Menschenrechte, Minderheiten, Menschenschicksale. Das sind die drei großen Schlagworte, die meine Sachbücher am ...

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