Freitag, 27. November 2020

27.11.2020 - B. Dobberstein and UBI and R. D. Precht etc. / dali48 and images etc.

dali48 and writing and cycling and photographing parks etc.

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Image result for dali48 wikipedia
Image result for dali48 wikipedia
Image result for dali48 wikipedia
Image result for dali48 wikipedia
Image result for dali48 wikipedia

see Why is there no UBI & reparation for natives & Ecological Consciousness in age of Climate Change, insecurity, corona-virus, automation, mass extinction etc. - instead of job-loss, poverty, social exclusion, affordable housing, racism, lobbying, food wasting, area payments etc... (dali48)

see dali48 and Ecological Consciousness and political views: "I'm against anything that kills people and destroys Mother Nature etc." ... Baukje Dobberstein arbeitet als Ärztin und Psychotherapeutin. Jeden Tag wird sie damit konfrontiert, dass das Arbeits- und Sozialsystem die ...

Richard David Precht is a German philosopher and author of successful popular science books about philosophical issues. He hosts the TV show "Precht" on ...
Born: 8 December 1964 (age 55); Solingen, N...
Education: Abitur

05.10.2015 - Autoreninterview.doc - see dali48 on Google,Blogspot,,StumbleUpon,Pinterest,Twitter,Goodreads...

dali48 on Goodreads Share  
this URL:  diary3 by dali48 on twitter

diary of dali48: 08.10.2018 - Ecology and Environment and Interaction... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon ediary4 by dali48

Collection ediary 6-12 of dali48

dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing etc...
see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and of "Banking Crisis" since 2008 and of corona-virus since 2020 etc. - instead of UBI & Ecology - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce honey ...
see dali48 & Climate Change, heat waves, dryness, 'gigafires' & air pollution (Australia, Amazonas, California etc), floods, hurricanes etc. since ca. 2000, despite Copenhagen 2009, Paris 2015, Coronavirus 2020, "Overshootday", mass extinction etc. - instead of clean air, #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & UBI & biodiversity & health etc...
Don't see swallows here in Wickrath (2018) as before at Lake Unterbach where they were deeply flying before the rain, and were nearly touching my head till 2010... (dali48)

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