dali48 and studying and teaching and photographing in Tübingen etc...
Author and Online-Teacher in
English, German, French, etc...
41189 Wickrath · http://dali48.blogspot.com
02.06.2013 - Tomato Ladders and Cucumber Trellis - see dali48 and Veggies and Health etc... http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055130927096/ … via@pinterest -
1.6.13 Monsanto, mit Gift und Genen 12:10 ARTE http://www.arte.tv/guide/de/036531-000/monsanto-mit-gift-und-genen …#Dokumentation via@ARTEde see dali48 and TV and Arte and Documentaries etc -
"Ein Haus ohne Bücher ist arm, auch wenn schöne Teppiche seinen Böden und kostbare Tapeten und Bilder die Wände bedecken." (Hermann Hesse) -
01.06.2013 - Spices - see dali48 and Spices and Health etc... http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055130921601/ … via@pinterest -
RT@raehanbobby: "Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values." ~ Dalai Lama#quotes#leadership -
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. William Morris -
Join us this June and July for lots of watery events, fairs + river 'clean ups'#3rcu Our new events list: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Quaggy-Waterways-Action-Group/159675640767381?ref=hl … -
1.6.2013 Blog » How To Make an All-Natural Herbal Sleep Salve http://shar.es/w22Xs via@sharethis see dali48 and Herbs and Insomnia and Health -
01.06.2013 - I. Andric und Konkurs etc... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/06/01062013-i-andric-und-konkurs-etc.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest... -
@wwwfoecouk see dali48 and Bees and "Flora and Fauna" since ca.2000 etc. - see W. Golding and "Man produces evil - as Bees produce honey" etc... -
Friends of the Earth: Add your name to our bees billboard https://www.foe.co.uk/campaigns/biodiversity/press_for_change/tip_david_cameron_40280.html?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=wallpost&utm_campaign=cameron_nudge#.UajT1K5ISLk.twitter … via@wwwfoecouk -
05-31-2013 00:00 to 05-31-2013 23:59; PM2.5 24hr avg; 91.6; 170; Unhealthy -
31.05.2013 - Top 8 Herbs For Insomnia - see dali48 and Herbs and Insomnia and Health etc... http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055130916426/ … via@pinterest -
Studie Uni Hohenheim: Nur 20% weniger#Fleischkonsum würde armen Ländern ernorm helfen http://www.epo.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9417%3Aweniger-fleischkonsum-wuerde-armen-laendern-helfen&catid=99%3Atopnews&Itemid=1 …#Hunger#Armut#Gerechtigkeit -
"Massentierhaltung verschärft Welthunger" Lesenswert! Interview mit Christian Meyer#NDS http://www.2gruenetomaten.de/massentierhaltung-bekampft-nicht-den-welthunger/ …@GruenMeyer@2gruenetomaten -
05-31-2013 17:00; PM2.5; 105.0; 177; Unhealthy (at 24-hour exposure at this level) -
Gardening is civil and social, but it wants the vigor and freedom of the forest and the outlaw. - Henry David Thoreau -
@Attac_friends - With the German mark, I could still travel - since the € I can no longer afford etc... (dali48) -
31.5.2013 - J.P. Sartre and Ivo Andric etc... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/31052013-sartre-and-ivo-andric-etc.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest -
05-31-2013 15:00; PM2.5; 104.0; 176; Unhealthy (at 24-hour exposure at this level) -
Prinz Charles setzt sich für nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion ein - http://www.proplanta.de http://www.proplanta.de/Agrar-Nachrichten/Bio-Landbau/Prinz-Charles-setzt-sich-fuer-nachhaltige-Lebensmittelproduktion-ein_article1369888132.html … -
X:enius Hochwasser weltweit Wie können wir uns schützen? 16:00 ARTE http://www.arte.tv/guide/de/046550-020/x-enius …#Magazin via@ARTEde see dali48 and TV and Arte etc. -
30.5.13/7:35/3sat Unser Wald Einst gezähmt und geplündert, bedeckt der Wald heute wieder 1/3 der Schweiz und ist die grüne Lunge des Landes... -
Endspurt: Noch 2 Tage könnt ihr eure Stimme gegen die Hundetötungen für die Winterolympiade 2014 in Sotschi... http://fb.me/1ZTrl4qpA -
Homemade Nutella (Chocolate Hazelnut Spread) http://www.healthygreenkitchen.com/homemade-nutella-chocolate-hazelnut-spread.html … via@winnieabramson see dali48 and Nuts and Chocolate etc... -
30.05.2013 - Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) - see dali48 and Fruit and Health etc... http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055130911365/ … via@pinterest -
Also good for hayfever relief MT@PermacultureMag Plantain is food, medicine and wildlife attractant and it grows anywhere http://fb.me/1CJWpkSFt -
Homemade Nutella...um, yeah. I'll be trying this. Anyone else? See the recipe from Healthy Green Kitchen... http://fb.me/1J7X2TcQD -
See the beginnings of an edible forest garden RT@MarkDoc The Otter Farm Newsletter, May 2013 http://bit.ly/11CiOZb#gardening#food -
RUSSIA TODAY reveals study#GMO corn Hily toxic Virtually no nutrition 200 PPM formaldehyde 13 PPM glyphosate! http://gizadeathstar.com/2013/04/rt-russia-today-reveals-study-on-gmo-corn/ …#MAM -
05-30-2013 12:00; PM2.5; 66.0; 156; Unhealthy (at 24-hour exposure at this level) -
A bowl of#kale has 40 CAL,no fat & 20% fiber.Kale is a great#antioxidant and rich source of flavonoids and carotenoids http://bit.ly/Nhnoke -
05-30-2013 11:00; PM2.5; 47.0; 129; Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (at 24-hour exposure at this level) -
29.5.13/12:00/3sat Newton Neues aus der Welt der Wissenschaft Wasserstoff - das Benzin der Zukunft? Film: W. Niedermair Moderation: M. Euba -
29.5.2013 Bastardized Strawberry Sangria see dali48 and Beverages during holidays in Spain in the 80s... http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055129137678/ … via@pinterest -
29.5.2013 Quasimodo and Poetik and Philosophien...http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/29052013-salvatore-quasimodo-und-poetik.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest -
29.05.2013 - Blueberries <3 see dali48 and Fruit and Health etc... http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055130906589/ … via@pinterest see Books, blogs, comments, tweets... -
29.5. Diary3 by dali48 on twitter is about healing...in the present. It includes the following authors: http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055130901565/ … via@pinterest -
29.05.2013 - Simple things we can share in here ~~~ see dali48 and Fruit and Health etc... http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055130906032/ … via@pinterest -
@neilvic see dali48 and Bees and "Flora and Fauna" since ca.2000 etc. - “If the bees disappeared off the face of the earth...” ― Albert Einstein -
@oekostrom_at@CorneliaDaniel Nuclear power does not profit - either way! http://fb.me/271zo4gkU see Chernobyl 1986 and Fukushima 2011 (d.48) -
29.05.2013 - Täglicher Buddha und Poesie etc. http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/29052013-taglicher-buddha-und-poesie-etc.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest -
Are you looking for#sproutingSeeds? How about broccoli, alfalfa, chia, fenugreek and red
clover: http://dld.bz/bycSN -
There's still time to ask@_BTO a question on state of birds! Tweet them@_BTO & don't forget to use the hashtag#naturesintrouble! -
#StateOfNature tweetathon today with us,@Natures_Voice@buzz_dont_tweet@ARC_Bytes@PTES@wildlifetrusts@BumblebeeTrust@PondRiverStream -
#Deutschland:#Energiewende braucht eine echte eine Chance http://bit.ly/17qtPzW#Atomausstieg#antiAtom#antiAKW#Atommüll -
Sand Die neue Umweltzeitbombe 20:15 ARTE http://www.arte.tv/guide/de/046598-000/sand-die-neue-umweltzeitbombe …#Dokumentation via@ARTEde see dali48 and sand and "Flora and Fauna" since ca.2000 -
@TheOrganicView@JuneStoyer@MrTomTheobald see dali48 and Bees since ca 2000 etc. - “If the bees disappeared off the face of the earth... (AE) -
Ni vu ni connu je suis le parfum vivant et défunt dans le vent venu! // Paul Valéry, Le Sylphe -
#Pollen power! It's protein for the#bees! Check out how much pollen this bee is carrying. http://bit.ly/12Kw8Hv -
27.05.2013 - Reise durch Amerika: Brasilien - Die Amazonasmündung 8:25 ARTE http://www.arte.tv/guide/de/047924-002/reise-durch-amerika-1-10 … via@ARTEde see dali48 and TV and Arte etc. -
27.5./20:15/3sat Das große Kleinkunstfestival 2012 Die Wühlmäuse Berlin Gäste: P.Simon, M.M.Profitlich, D.Hallervorden, C.de Feo, A.Schröder -
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought: Matsuo Basho -
Vielfalt von Obst und Gemüse erhalten! Neue EU-Verordnung könnte alte Sorten aus unseren Gärten verschwinden lassen. http://goo.gl/luKq1 -
@meise3 27.05.13 Today I saw only 1 Bumble bee in Wickrath - There are more pesticides etc. than Bees etc... (dali48) -
Joan Baez got it right:"The poor should teach the rich a lesson: Stop selling them food and make them eat their money." -
Tagebuch von dali48: 27.05.2013 - Pollinators in Peril etc... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/27052013-pollinators-in-peril-etc.html?spref=tw … see dali48 and Bees and "Flora and Fauna" since ca. 2000... -
27.05.2013 - Pollinators in Peril http://pinterest.com/pin/197665871118026662/ … via@pinterest - see dali48 and Bees and "Flora and Fauna" since ca. 2000 etc... -
27.5.2013 - Quasimodo und Schriftsteller etc. http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/27052013-quasimodo-und-schriftsteller_27.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest -
27.05.2013 - Philosohy and "God" etc... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/27052013-philosohy-and-god-etc.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest etc. -
26.5./6:45/3sat Tele-Akademie Prof.Meyer-Abich:An den Grenzen der Medizin Dass unser Gesundheitswesen es fast nur mit Krankheiten zu tun hat -
26.05.2013 - Favourites on Twitter152... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/26052013-favourites-on-twitter152_26.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest etc
05.10.2015 - Autoreninterview.doc - docs.google.com/document/d/17R… see dali48 on Google,Blogspot,Bod.de,StumbleUpon,Pinterest,Twitter,Goodreads...
dali48 on Goodreads
amazon.com/author/dali48 Share
this URL:diary3 by dali48 on twitter
Collection ediary 6-12 of dali48
dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing etc...see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and "Banking Crisis" 2008 and poor people and social diseases and speculation and homelessness and robots etc. - instead of UBI & Ecology - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce...see dali48 and Climate Change and heat waves and dryness and fires (Australia, Amazonas etc.) and also floods and hurricanes etc. - since ca. 2000 and despite Copenhagen 2009 etc. - instead of #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & UBI etc...Don't see swallows here in Wickrath (2018) as before at Lake Unterbach where they were deeply flying before the rain, and were nearly touching my head till 2010... (dali48)see E. Kuebler-Ross and R. Moody and Near Death Experiences - and my own experiences in the 80s and 12/2011 etc... (dali48)see our planet and environment and deforestation and climate change and pollution and destructive traffic everywhere - instead of #ZeroHunger, UBI and surviving etc... (dali48)see dali48 and world view 1968 etc. - compared with 1989 and 2008 etc...Deposit on plastic & better recycling & cleaning, see e.g. www.rhinecleanup.org & biodegradable "plastic" bags - instead of polluting rivers & lakes & sea with waste etc... (dali48)
Concerning overfishing & polluting & damaging the oceans with garbage patches & ‘dead zones’ etc. - instead of e.g. www.rhinecleanup.org, see Golding & "Man produces evil - as Bees produce honey" etc... (dali48)see @UNrightswire, see Human Rights & Clean Air & Drinking Water & Food & UBI - instead of destructive traffic, e.g. @BeijingAir & privatisation of drinking water & other violations etc... (dali48)see dali48 and reading and writing and walking and cycling and photographing - and without car since 2004 etc...Why bees etc. - are dying by the billions see pesticides and#Neonics http://bit.ly/1vJ6vI6 = 5000 times more toxic to bees than DDT etc... (dali48)
see dali48 and Human Rights (1948), warning of neo-fascism since 1989, and of Climate Change, and for Net Neutrality & Ecology & Biodiversity since ca. 2000, and for UBI since 2008, and against 80 000 Millions for arms etc...
see Ban of Basic Rights & Net Neutrality & Privacy - instead of democratic control of #Polizeigesetz and introducing a UBI etc... (dali48)see National Socialist tyranny and History produced evil - as Bees produced honey etc... (dali48)see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989, of Climate Change, and for Ecology & Biodiversity since ca. 2000, and for UBI since 2008... Why is there no Basic Income in Europe etc. - instead of Hartz IV and "Banking Crisis" 2008 and neo-fascism etc.? (dali48)Steven David Horwich @homeschoolcurr Want to ban homeschool? So did the Nazis. Read about it at bit.ly/lZkLNv... Retweeted by dali48siehe dali48 und "Petition unterschreiben Bundesrat: AFD nach Artikel 21 GG verbieten lassen... change.org"see dali48 and deforestation and Climate and species extinction by pesticides, leaf blowers etc. - and Human Rights violations instead of Biodiversity and UBI etc...see beautiful wildflower havens and UBI - instead of tax havens and violations of Human Rights etc... (dali48)ied account
see @BeijingAir Beijing - 2020-02-08 12AM - PM2.5 - 172 AQI - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups... (dali48)21 hours ago
03-07-2019 23:00; PM2.5; 41.0; 115; Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (at 24-hour exposure at this level).... (dali48)
10-15-2018 02:00; PM2.5; 164.0; 214; Very Unhealthy (at 24-hour exposure at this level) Con Gen ShanghaiAir @CGShanghaiAir 10-09-2018 22:00; PM2.5; 47.0; 130; Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (at 24-hour exposure at this...see Con Gen ShanghaiAir - Shanghai - 2020-02-09 11PM - PM2.5 - 136 AQI - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups ... (dali48)
GuangzhouAirVerified account @Guangzhou_Air 01-15-2019 18:00; PM2.5; 37.0; 105; Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (at 24-hour exposure at this level)26 minutes ago
More01-15-2019 18:00; PM2.5; 37.0; 105; Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (at 24-hour exposure at this level)see dali48 and "Those who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity (see e.g. chick shredding etc.) - will deal likewise with their fellow man." (Francis of Assisi)
Concerning chick shredding, see St Francis and animals - see IB Singer and Treblinka - see Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our world around etc... (dali48)see bumble bees and bees again on lavender during my daily walk in the park since June 2018 etc... (dali48)see Climate Change & alternative energy as eg wind power & solar energy & ecars & solar cooker & solar lamp since the 70s etc... (dali48)I'm against the waste of Food as long as there is no UBI and ca.1 Billion people are hungry - and there are not enough soup kitchens - and hungry animals come into town etc... (dali48)No foodwaste as long as there are ca.1 Billion hungry people - instead of foodsecurity & enough bees & biodiversity etc. - and why isn't there a UBI etc.? (dali48)see dali48 and psychology and Freud, Adler, Jung, and Frankl, Fromm, Reich, and Laing, Cooper, Marc Rufer etc...see dali48 and bird's visit at his skylight in Wickrath and fresh water etc. - see seagulls from the coast of the Netherlands coming for fodder in winter - see "Flora and Fauna" since ca.2000 etc...see Climate Change & alternative energy as eg wind power & solar energy & ecars & solar cooker & solar lamp since the 70s etc... (dali48)see dali48 and "The majority of diseases that plague humanity are all rooted in a polluted environment"... (Change.org)We are all a part of 'UN' see @UNrightswire - UN should ban politicians & Nations who make immoral laws & violate Human Rights etc... (dali48)see dali48 and "Bread instead of fireworks" and "flora & fauna" etc ..."Where they ban private tuition and books - they also ban teachers and authors at the end" ... (dali48, 2019)see dali48 and why don't these millionaires unite - and pay a smallest UBI to many of the poorest of people?henk tennekes
@tennekes_toxDas grosse Neonics Desaster. Seit 1995 sind bis zu 80 Prozent der Biomasse aller Fluginsekten in NRW verschwunden farmlandbirds.net/de/content/inn…Concerning road traffic: Urban areas must be safer for pedestrians and cyclists etc... (dali48)see History & Genocides of Natives & Minorities & Scapegoats instead of @UNHumanRights and Protection of #environmentdefenders etc... (dali48)see Ban of Basic Rights and Net Neutrality & Privacy - instead of saving the Internet and introducing UBI etc. (dali48, 2019)Greta ThunbergVerified account @GretaThunberg Apr 14
MoreOn the train to the EU Parliament, the Italian Senate, the Vatican and House of Parliament during the Easter holiday. And on Friday I’ll participate in the school strike in Rome. I know it’s a holiday but since the climate crisis doesn’t go on vacation nor will we. #Climatestrikesee dali48 and Deforestation and Climate Change and #ExtinctionRebelion and Human Rights violations instead of UBI etc...see dali48 and The majority of diseases that plague humanity are all rooted in a polluted environment (see e.g. Roundup, Glyphosat etc. - d.48)... (Change.org)Concerning the dying of the bees etc. - see neonics etc.- "Man produces evil - as Bees produce honey"... (dali48)siehe 19.07.2019 - Torben Schiffer und Bienenforschung und zurück zur Natur, see https://beenature-project.com/de etc... (dali48)Concerning deforestation & polluting rivers & burning forests etc. - instead of a monthly UBI - uncontrolled Capitalism produces evil as bees produce honey... (dali48)see dali48 and reading and writing about the Nobel Prize in Literature from 1957 Albert Camus to 2017 Kazuo Ishiguro etc...see dali48 and bread and laser show - instead of fireworks etc...see I.B. Singer and Treblinka and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) - see e.g. chick shredding etc. - see William Golding and "Man produces evil - as Bees produce honey" etc... (dali48)dali48author @dali48"Er ist wieder da" Filmkritik: Das Lachen bleibt im Halse stecken! br.de/mediathek/vide… see dali48 and TV and 3sat and Documentaries and Movies etc...17.09.2015 Wie blöd du bist - Carolin Kebekus | Musikparodie youtu.be/ZQekL3C1wPw via @YouTube see dali48 and favourite Music and parodies etc...Weiße Rose Verlegung von Stolpersteinen in Bünde - Von Initiative 9. November BündeSophie Scholl was arrested today in 1943. Here's why we should remember her...Concerning Fukushima - see http://www.mdr.de/.../video-2362_zc-b45e8c8c_zs-6da2f47c...
Eine Stunde mit Hardy Krüger https://youtu.be/ouLmZry2DU0 viaThe text and all images on this page, unless otherwise indicated, are by Wolfgang G. Greiner (dali48)who hereby asserts his copyright on the material. Should you wish to use any of the text or images feel free to do so with proper attribution and, if possible, a link back to this page. Thank you.© Wolfgang G. Greiner (dali48) 8/2013 - 2019 etc...
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