dali48 and teaching and writing and photographing in Erkrath, 1983 - 2010
If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin. Ivan Turgenev
Why homeschool should be supported, and schools closed down. http://www.homeschoolundersiege.com/
Stop the killing of 1,800 whales and
dolphins and the deafening of 15,900 more by ceasing the operation of
the Navy's underwater sound system...
If a #Pisces likes a song they will listen to it over and over till they find another song they will listen to over and over
"10 ways to tell whether your local news has been outsourced" http://kng.ht/O17b2b Thnx @freepress for including our Community Info Toolkit
Retweeted by dali48
Mariel Hemingway @MarielHemingway
Mariel Hemingway
RT @jenuinehealing:My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way."~ Ernest Hemingway
Retweeted by dali48
Inspirational Quotes @Inspired_Ones
@twf_support 04.07.2012 - Why can I not remove my followings from pages which don't exist anymore?...
Inspirational Quotes
Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use. - Wendell Johnson
We're seeking folks to help us translate Pinterest. If you're interested, see our blog post for more info - thanks! http://blog.pinterest.com/post/22286872324/seeking-pinterest-translators
Global warming worse than it appears: Nobel Prize laureate http://bit.ly/KqsV5Z
Retweeted by dali48
Oil companies admit the dangers of the climate crisis – yet still fund deniers: http://bit.ly/LokWL2
04.07.2012 - New national standards ask schools to teach climate change http://climatereality.com/?p=8002 via @climatereality see dali48 on Google etc...
4.7.The not so fairways: Wild weather silences golf tournament http://bit.ly/N7dBPz #ClimateCrisis #ClimateScience see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com
The climate crisis is hazardous to your health: http://bit.ly/LpUr9O
1,000 new heat records: http://bit.ly/MH26js
Retweeted by dali48
dali48 @dali48
@TONYMCGREGOR dali48 Hub Author Thanks for your comment on Heidegger. For reading more see http://rp-online.de/kultur or http://dali48.blogspot.com
MT @gatesag ~1B people suffer from chronic hunger. How can we "Feed the Future?" @USAID infographic points to answers http://gates.ly/J30XwC
04.07.2012 - An interview with the subversive genius, Tomi Ungerer http://www.phaidon.co.uk/edit/art/events/2011/june/14/an-interview-with-the-subversive-genius-tomi-ungerer/ via @Phaidon
Zum 80. von @TomiUngerer am kommenden Montag zeigt SWR Nachtkultur heute um 23.15 Uhr einen aktuellen Interviewbeitrag: http://merky.de/swrd00
Tomorrow I will be at the International Forum on the Novel in Lyon discussing fear and imagination
Remember, don't login unless you see http://twitter.com in the address bar! Otherwise you might be getting phished. http://pic.twitter.com/AsmePDPz
Horrible rumors going around about you online? Nope, just phishing. Don't click! Tips on account safety: http://bit.ly/wKjHka
Retweeted by dali48
„Und wie verdienst du deine Geld?“
„Ich verdiene es nicht, ich nehme es anderen ab.“ #Bankerphilosophie
The U.S. is Nosy: Twitter Releases First Transparency Report http://bit.ly/O075rA
Retweeted by dali48
Kimberlee k. @saviour316
#Anipals please sign my #petition 2 keep cruel #seal#hunters out of #baby#seals nurseries » http://www.change.org/petitions/urgent-tell-canada-enough-is-enough-end-the-cruelty-now http://twitpic.com/a0kz87 -
Kimberlee k.
Let me know how goes @ActivistAbby! Please Rt & support 12-year-old girl's #petition to stop #BigPlastic bullying her!! http://chn.ge/nobigplasticbully
Sign the Millions against #Monsanto #petition - help us reach 1 million signatures! http://ow.ly/bO2N9
Navy to deafen 15,900 whales and dolphins and kill 1,800 more http://bit.ly/P5Wj82 #petition
Ich unterstütze die #Petition Open Trails Hessen - Mountainbiker gegen ein Bikeverbot in Hessen in #Hessen - http://bit.ly/N3imGg
Ich unterstütze die #Petition Gegen die Tarifreform 2013 - GEMA verliert Augenmaß in #Deutschland - http://bit.ly/HelMEu
SIGN #PETITION! Why is #China still sending Dog and Cat Fur to #Canada? Remember 'fake fur' is often cat, dog or rabbit http://www.care2.com/causes/why-does-china-send-dog-and-cat-fur-to-canada-take-action.html
Retweeted by dali48
van Gogh @abbes_Ohr
#Pisces are creative and intuitive thinkers who need space, solitude and genuine love.
Retweeted by dali48
View videovan Gogh
O'zapft is - der Trojaner kommt aus Bayern http://ow.ly/6SJR2
The ICC celebrates 10 years of seeking justice for war crimes http://bit.ly/O3ggLh #ICC #justice #humanrights #warcrimes #genocide
Check out the new 7-part YouTube series by the US National Research Council on the basics of climate change. http://go.nasa.gov/KQQZz8
Help us stop the #monsanto protection act. Take #action today, before it's too late! http://ow.ly/bXQLp
Twitter has received more info requests from the government in the first half of 2012 than it did in all of 2011. http://thenextweb.com/twitter/2012/07/02/twitter-publishes-first-transparency-report-detailing-dmca-takedowns-and-government-info-requests/
Looks like Twitter mailboxes are under
attack by a site called - http://...cnbc.com-explained.in It is a scam.
Do not visit, do not sign up
The Future of Solar http://www.solarfeeds.com/the-future-of-solar-2/ via @solarfeeds
Retweeted by dali48
'Women's Power' Book @WomensPowerBook
#data Hue and cry of #Phone #tapping hit #Murdoch hard Pseudo #privacy in surfing makes us #naked http://bit.ly/zkaS9L
'Women's Power' Book
Retweeted by dali48
dali48 @dali48
3.07.2012 - Population explosion and... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/04/population-explosion.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest
Population explosion and Global warming etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128708428/
03.07.2012 Healthiness and Diseases.... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2012/07/03072012-healthiness-and-endemic.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest
3.07.2012 People of the Web, unite! Join me and sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom #NetDeclaration http://bit.ly/internetdeclaration via @freepress
Confused by #ClimateChange? Check out "The Dummies Guide to Climate Science" http://ow.ly/bXxYn via @EcoInteractive
Interview: "Man darf die Demokratie nicht dem Euro opfern": Stoppen sie ESM und Fiskalpakt? Der Staatsrechtler C... http://bit.ly/OZhA4r
Retweeted by dali48
Gluten Free Banana Berry Muffins with Raspberry Butter Recipe http://vsb.li/SELBvK
Retweeted by dali48
dali48 @dali48
B. Joy Preston @BJoyPreston
2.07.2012 - Schopenhauer's influence... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/04/schopenhauer.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest
Schopenhauer' s influence upon later thinkers etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128698413/
Are your works safe from decay? - The new Artguardian Conservation Platform will show. Check us out on YOUTUBE http://ow.ly/bmKKI
He who is cruel to animals becomes hard
also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his
treatment of animals. Kant
02.07.2012 - The “Green” Religion Supplanting Christianity http://www.philosophynews.com/post/2012/06/30/The-Green-Religion-Supplanting-Christianity.aspx see dali48 on Google,Twitter,FB,Blogspot,Bod.de,Pinterest...
WIFE: honey I want you to whisper dirty things in my ear! Husband: kitchen, living room, dinning room, patio...
02.07.2012 Electric cars and pollution http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/04/electric-cars.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest
Electric cars and harmful pollution etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128697988/
Birds are indicators of the environment. If they are in trouble, we know we'll soon be in trouble. ~ John Ray
Naturopathic Medicine Fits Into The Medical Mainstream http://tinyurl.com/7z83yl4
Gesamtschulden: 2.033.680.462.775 EUR. Das sind pro Einwohner ca. 24.771 EUR
Money Back Guarantee If We Kill Your Trees http://bit.ly/MUHylL #herbicide #environment via @homeopathyworld @gaia_health @mqtodd
Retweeted by dali48
View conversation B. Joy Preston
B. Joy's Tip: Eat a moderate amount of a wide variety of mostly living, organic, tasty plant foods for optimal health.
Retweeted by dali48
dali48 @dali48
01.07.2012 Kant's philosophy and... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/04/kants-philosophy.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest...
Kant's philosophy and the study of Kantianism etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128691377/
Healthy Recipes - Roasted Squash, Onion and Fennel Toss http://goo.gl/5LppA
Papua New Guinean #cocoa farmers try recovering from disease & economic collapse by embracing sustainability (video) http://ht.ly/bSmSw
Tell the Tribune Company and other media giants: You can’t outsource local news. Take action: http://bit.ly/MZukAZ
Retweeted by dali48
DebbyBruck @DebbyBruck
Sign Petition To Help UK Citizens Access To Homeopathy http://bit.ly/KbKOJr @gaia_health @homeheals @EllenKramer @Kaviraj2 @HOMEOPATH2STARS
Why does it seem that after all is said and done a lot more is said than is done?
11.00/Phönix Fukushima - Daisuke
Yoshida ist bud.Mönch, sein Kloster eine Oase der Stille - 2 km weiter
hat Tepco, der jap.Energiekonzern...
Local news ... or not so much? Read more on our latest campaign: http://act.freepress.net/sign/journatic/
30.06.2012 Kertesz 2002 and Fateless... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/04/kertesz-2002.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest
30.06.2012 - Kertesz 2002 and Fateless etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128684991/
RT @cjr: Numbers from @pressfreedom & @globalfreemedia suggest this could be deadliest year on record for #journos http://bit.ly/KQYieR
30.06.2012 - Solar panels and Solar lamps etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128684587/
Tagebuch 2008 (German Edition) by 48 Dali, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/3837081222/ref=cm_sw_r_p http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128684560/
30.06.2012 - Solar panels & Solar lamps... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/05/how-to-make-simple-solar-panels.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Bod.de,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB,Pinterest...
30.06.2012 - Malt beverages and Health etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128684415/
30.06.2012 - Guava fruit juice and Health etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128684111/
30.06.2012 Guava fruit juice and Health http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/05/health-benefits-of-guava.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Facebook...
Retweeted by dali48
dali48 @dali48
Karl May and Silver Lake... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128678225/
Hollywood wants to backdoor #SOPA in Court. HELP FIGHT @TheJusticeDept & @MPAA's sketchy case (US vs @Kim_Dotcom) at http://www.theinternetvshollywood.com/wgg
29.06.2012 - Karl May and Silver Lake... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2012/06/29062012-karl-may-and-silver-lake-etc.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,FB...
29.06.2012 - Karl May and Silver Lake etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128676816/
29.06.2012 - Ash clouds over Europe... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/05/ash-cloud-from-iceland.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Bod.de,Google,Twitter,Blogspot,Goodreads,Amazon,StumbleUpon,FB...
29.06.2012 - Ash clouds over Europe... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128676166/
Hollywood wants to backdoor #SOPA in Court. HELP FIGHT @TheJusticeDept & @MPAA's sketchy case (US vs @Kim_Dotcom) at http://www.theinternetvshollywood.com/...
28.06.2012 - Foodhunter and Osmanthus fragrans... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/05/foodhunter.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Google,Twitter,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de
28.06.2012 - Foodhunter and Osmanthus fragrans etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128668666/
28.06.2012 Homeric poetry and Parthenon... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2012/06/28062012-homeric-poetry-and-parthenon.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Google,Twitter,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Amazon,Bod.de
28.06.2012 - Homeric poetry and Parthenon etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128668150/
Thank you to all my music supporters
who have joined me in helping me to save the lives of all the innocent
dolphins in Taiji Japan! Luv u!!
Daydreamers are better at solving complex problems http://tmblr.co/Z5VmMxOH4ips
Happy Birthday Sir Peter Paul Rubens! Born on this day 1577 http://ow.ly/i/IYFJ
Falscher Virusalarm http://ow.ly/bSu0Y Phishing-Mails zielen auf Strato-Kunden #Info
Pesticides May Have Caused Polio Outbreaks After World War 2. http://bit.ly/LvHlYN
Innovative capitalists have tried to rewrite nature, but to no avail. ~ Astrid Alauda
Caroline County Schools To Get Solar Power System « CBS Baltimore: Three solar power systems will help provide e... http://bit.ly/QoK04P
Utrecht to ban old cars from the city centre to boost air quality http://bit.ly/OACzdQ
27.06.2012 - Favourites on Twitter17 http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/05/1510-favourites-on-twitter17.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Google,Twitter,Facebook,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Amazon,Bod.de
27.06.2012 - Money and Climate and Global warming... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2012/06/27062012-money-and-climate-and-global.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Google,Twitter,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de
dali48 @dali48
1.5.11 - Drinking water and Organic farming http://dali48.blogspot.com/2011/05/1511-drinking-water-and-organic-farming.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Google,Twitter,Facebook,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de
27.06.2012 - Drinking water and water resources etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128662017/
Why the student should help decide what subjects to study? http://bit.ly/WhatToStudy
Retweeted by dali48
dali48 @dali48
26.06.2012 - Kawabata and Zen etc... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2012/06/26062012-kawabata-and-zen-etc.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Google,Twitter,Facebook,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Amazon,Bod.de
26.06.2012 - Pisces and fusion with the cosmos... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2012/06/26062012-pisces-and-fusion-with-cosmos.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Google,Twitter,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de
26.06.2012 Saragossa Sea and migration of eels... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2010/05/fishes.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Google,Twitter,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de
26.06.2012 - Saragossa Sea and migration of eels etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128655002/
Tagebuch 2008 von dali48 - see Bod.de, Google, Amazon, etc... Diary 2008 of dali48 contains many val http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128654634/
26.06.2012 - Genesis and Christmas tree etc... see http://www.dali48.blogspot.com http://pinterest.com/pin/88735055128654554/
The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear. ❤ Zen Sayings
More than 60% of companies lobbying on behalf of #ACTA not in the (non-compulsory) EU "transparency" register. http://euobserver.com/18/116742
Die niederländische Regierung hat heute beschlossen, #ACTA nicht zu ratifizieren. Schön wäre ja auch ein solches Signal der Bundesregierung!
If you want peace end hunger
Retweeted by dali48
dali48 @dali48
@StumbleUpon Flora and fauna - and destructive car traffic, etc... (dali48)
25.06.2012 - Favourites on Twitter114... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2012/06/25062012-favourites-on-twitter114-etc.html?spref=tw see dali48 on Google, Twitter, FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Amazon,Bod.de
diary3 by dali48 on twitter
Diary3 by dali48 on twitter is about healing in the past and the future - focused on the present. It includes the following authors: Ayya Khema, S. Hite, VE Frankl, M. Messeguer, G. Marquez, W. Golding, Dalai Lama, DTSuzuki, J. Seiffert, Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddha, Jvd Wetering, Allen Ginsberg, C. Simon, Johannes Paul1, K. Dürckheim, W. Soyinka, S. Freud, Sloterdiyk, J. Brodsky, P. Celan, A. Schweitzer, G. Groddeck, hl.Hildegard, IB Singer, T. Dethlefsen, AT Kushi...
Golden Snow
“thank you dali48 for your very informative and interesting Dairy 3 -
filled with so much to help us with our health and improve our ways of
eating, Herbal information ... I loved learning of others lives and
condition they live, writers whose words have been smothered, because
truth was written ... loved every moment of reading”...
Annex2 to the blogs of dali48
in Baden-Baden 8/2010
For further reading, see Books, blogs, comments, tweets, buzz... of dali48 on Google, Books by dali48 on twitter, Facebook, Blogspot, Goodreads, StumbleUpon, Amazon, Bod.de, Pinterest, etc...
Diary3 by dali48 on twitter is about healing in the past and the future - focused on the present. It includes the following authors: Ayya Khema, S. Hite, VE Frankl, M. Messeguer, G. Marquez, W. Golding, Dalai Lama, DTSuzuki, J. Seiffert, Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddha, Jvd Wetering, Allen Ginsberg, C. Simon, Johannes Paul1, K. Dürckheim, W. Soyinka, S. Freud, Sloterdiyk, J. Brodsky, P. Celan, A. Schweitzer, G. Groddeck, hl.Hildegard, IB Singer, T. Dethlefsen, AT Kushi...
- Golden Snow "Most interesting book I have read in many years ... the truth within the pages alone are a refreshing change ... covers so many subjects, thank you dali48"...
Tagebuch 2009: Wie ich psychisch und physisch wieder gesund wurde... (Status: 8/2008) von dali48
siehe Bod.de, etc. - Diary 2009 by dali 48 on twitter is about a 25-year-old, both
psychological and even physical healing process by using natural
medicine - especially herbal medicines, and also meditation exercises
from Zen Buddhism. Inspiring to further reading are also excerpts from
speeches of Nobel laureates in literature from 2009 to currently back
1959, etc...
Golden Snow's review
"a book filled with important information to guide one through
life in health both body and mind ... also to learn history as it has
taken place ... five stars from me ... Thanks dali48"...
Tagebuch 2008 von dali48, siehe Google, Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/
Diary 2008 of dali48 contains many valuable tips of the alternative medicine and phytotherapy. The introduction to Zen Buddhism is also good for laymen to understand. Inspiring and stimulating to further reading are the excerpts of speeches of Nobel Laureates in Literature - starting with Le Clézio (2008), back to Beckett, Boell, Kawabata, Solzhenitsyn, etc... Tags: Ayya Khema, Valerian, Comfrey, Nettle, Buddha, Buddhism, Clézio Covitz Dukkha parents emotions inflammation, earth, cold, food, fennel, woman, joy, peace, feel, danger, feeling, Spirit, Health, gout, happiness, "God", skin heart, helps, cough, immune, St John's, Chamomile, Kawabata, Ayya Khema, children, headache, body, disease, cancer, life, suffering, love, life, dandelion, People, migraine, natural, nerve, Nobel, rheumatoid, patients, parsley, sage, shadow, yarrow, sleep, insomnia, pain, soul, September 2008, Smullyan, Solzhenitsyn, plantain, stress, Centaury, Thich Nhat Hanh, thyme, subconsciously, mourning, past, losses, juniper, water, hawthorn, world, work, world, sugar, etc... Facebook of Golden Snow https://www.facebook.com/golden.snow.3
Golden Snow
“Enjoying your many post on health dali48 ... it means a
lot in my life to have sites and blogs to follow and gain better health ... I
have been fighting a Chemical war inside my body for 29 years and found relief
in so many of your posts ... my health has
improved to the point I can do my own shopping at the market ... I love the
fact that your Diaries contains a mixture of great information for the readers
... so well chosen ... well thought out to help everyone” ...
see "Banking Crisis 2008" and Climate Change and robots and poor people and social diseases and homelessness etc. - instead of basic income (ca. 500 euro) - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce honey etc... (dali48)
see dali48 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and Copenhagen 2009 etc...
Don't see swallows here in Wickrath (2018) as before at Lake Unterbach where they were deeply flying before the rain, and were nearly touching my head till 2010... (dali48)
see E. Kuebler-Ross and R. Moody and Near Death Experiences - and my own experiences in the 80s and 12/2011 etc... (dali48) see our planet and environment and pollution and destructive traffic everywhere - instead of UBI and surviving etc... (dali48) see dali48 and world view 1968 etc. - compared with 1989 and 2008 etc... Deposit on plastic & better recycling & cleaning & biodegradable "plastic" bags - instead of polluting rivers & sea etc... (dali48) see @UNrightswire, see Human Rights & Clean Air & Drinking Water (wells, desalination, pipelines etc.) & Food & UBI - instead of @BeijingAir & privatisation of water & violations etc... (dali48) Why bees etc. - are dying by the billions see pesticides and see Ban of Basic Rights and Net Neutrality and Privacy - instead of democratic control of Bavarian Police Law etc... (dali48) see National Socialist tyranny and History produced evil - as Bees produced honey etc... (dali48) see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 and for basic income since 2008 etc...
Want to ban homeschool? So did the Nazis. Read about it at http://bit.ly/lZkLNv ... Retweeted by dali48
see dali48 and deforestation for palm oil, and species extinction by pesticides etc. - and Human Rights violations instead of UBI etc...see beautiful wildflower havens and UBI - instead of tax havens and violations of Human Rights etc... (dali48) see e.g. BeijingAir @BeijingAir 07-13-2018 22:00; PM2.5; 38.0; 107; Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (at 24-hour exposure at this level)... (dali48) see dali48 and "Those who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity (chick shredding etc.) - will deal likewise with their fellow man." (Francis of Assisi) see bumble bees and bees again on lavender during my daily walk in the park since June 2018 etc... (dali48)
see Climate Change & alternative energy as eg wind power & solar energy & ecars & solar cooker & solar lamp since the 70s etc... (dali48)
I'm against the waste of Food as long as there is no UBI and ca.1 Billion people are hungry - and there are not enough soup kitchens - and hungry animals come into town etc... (dali48) Copyright Note The text and all images on this page, unless otherwise indicated, are by Wolfgang G. Greiner (dali48) who hereby asserts his copyright on the material. Should you wish to use any of the text or images feel free to do so with proper attribution and, if possible, a link back to this page. Thank you. © Wolfgang G. Greiner (dali48) 8/2013 - 2018 etc... |
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