Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010

07.10.2016 - Favourites2 on Twitter6 etc...

dali48 and writing books and photographing etc...

17.02.2010 - Interpretation by dali48

Online-Tuition in English, German, French etc. 3 - 8 grade, see

Dandelion has a high vitamin and mineral content that is used for treating kidney and liver disorders... (By len7288)

Myopie, (by dali48)

Herbs for Health, t/e0455...

The Fine Art of Hubs and Publishing Them, and Making Money, ...

The Beatles Ruined My Life,

Some poetic fragments for my 200th Hub,

First Nations and the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics,

Recommended Foods and Nutrients to Prevent Heart Disease, Apples, grapes, pinapples and other fruits, peas and legumes are high in soluble fiber which can remove toxic substances in the body...

Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease: Shortness of breath, chest pain, fainting, cold hands and feet, frequent perspiration... (len7288)

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? - Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present. ~ Babatunde Olatunji

The living moment is everything. ~ D.H. Lawrence

Deer and Snow,

Twitter Me Some Love Songs,

Thomas A. Edison: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

Brigitte Mohr biggim047 amazon jp:

Cashmere says: I have found Guru better than Odesk. Although I did do three freelance jobs on Odesk, now I stick to Guru... (by Sufidreamer)

Tagebuch2010 Freelance Writing With oDesk - Filling Out Your Profile,

R.I.P in the Rye,

Was it just a journey of self-discovery? - Was it a treatise about integrity, of being true to oneself above all else? - And does being true... You said bye to the world long ago - You never wanted greatness – you did the only thing you could – to retreat into your own private space... Scotland Road Trip,

Annex2 to the blogs of dali48

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