dali48 and writing books and photographing parks etc...
11.02.2010 - Interpretation by dali48
Telemedicine - a boon to rural communities and a lesson for America, http://hubpages.com/t/1133a5... "Lifestyle/Climate change" on Copenhagen Climate Network iForu: http://ning.it/cldh01...
Chaplin, http://hubpages.com/t/119727... (by dali48.blogspot.com)
Livingstone, http://hubpages.com/t/1196ee... (by dali48)
Pasolinis dreiste Geschichten: Um sich die Zeit nach Canterbury unterhaltsam zu gestalten, regt Chaucer seine Mitreisenden zum Erzählen an...
Warum zuviel Milch Kühe (siehe "Turbokühe" etc. - dali48) krank und Bauern arm macht... (ARTE, Xenius,)
Fat Rally2007, http://hubpages.com/t/118e3a...
Silent Warriors - who are they, the descendants of Native Americans? - The photographer Klemm traveled through North America to seek an answer...
diary3 on twitter by dali48 deals with psychology, medicine, religions, Zen-Buddhism, the Nobel laureates in Literature etc...
The decisive factor that has inspired Doris Dörrie for her film "Cherry Blossoms - Hanami" was Ozu's film "The trip to Tokyo" of 1953...
"Happiness is not more money! - However, as many Americans are learning, it does take money to live in this society"... (StumpleUpon)
Many people want the flexibility and ease to work at home - while having an income with good wages or a business with high profits...
I denounce: religious fanaticism, cultural glory (see "leading culture" etc - d.48), elitism, arrogance of education...
5 teams traveled from Washington to Costa Rica. Instead of gasoline, they tapped waste oils and fats at shops, factories and farms... (d.48)
The sentence "I live" - is only partly true, it expresses a small part of the phenomenon of fundamental truth: man is lived by the "It"... (d.48)
Most of the effects of the intestinal flora are unknown! - A well-trained intestinal flora has influence on the mood and well being... (d.48)
Intestinal Flora, http://hubpages.com/t/118e95... (by dali48)
Annex2 to the blogs of dali48 |
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