Montag, 8. Juli 2024

08.07.2024 - Future & Fears / K. Rahner / E. Drewermann / C. G. Jung / B. Ulsamer etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing in Erkrath etc.

14.09.1997 - Interpretation of dali48
The future is always different from the present - what creates diffuse fears. - Only a strong faith can bind these fears (and aggression, guilt etc. - d.48), so they do not degenerate into racism (see e.g. neo-fascism since 1989 etc. - d.48). - We all are looking for one thing, - final liberation from fear and vulnerability! - Whatever path we choose, it misses the goal - because the search becomes a trap. - There is no salvation! - The path to more equilibrium lies in the learning and acceptance of all facets of human nature ... (K. Horn)

The Christianity of the future will be mystical - or nothing at all ... (K. Rahner)

Karl Rahner - Wikipedia

Karl Rahner SJ (5 March 1904 – 30 March 1984) was a German Jesuit priest and theologian who, alongside Henri de Lubac, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Yves ...
Notable ideas‎: ‎Anonymous Christian
Died‎: ‎30 March 1984 (aged 80); ‎Innsbruck, Tyr...
Biography · ‎Work · ‎Homanisation and ... · ‎Christology

Eugen Drewermann presented convincing material on the flood of neuroses and psychological distress in the Christian sphere. - Faith became the trick of the Western man to be rationalistic and still believe in "God." - This is up-to-date: to explore our heart, our soul, our self ... (J. E. Berendt)

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Eugen Drewermann (born 20 June 1940) is a German church critic, theologian, peace activist and former Roman Catholic priest. His work has been translated ...
Spirituality - is a basic instinct ... (C. G. Jung)

Carl Jung - Wikipedia

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. Jung's work was influential in the fields of psychiatry, ...
Doctoral advisor‎: ‎Eugen Bleuler
Alma mater‎: ‎University of Basel
Fields‎: ‎Psychiatry‎; ‎psychology
Spouse(s)‎: ‎Emma Jung

The Christians were themselves a persecuted minority up to the fourth century. - According to UNESCO statistics 270 of 290 wars since the end of World War II were led by members of different religions (i.e. for me: the great religions split more than that they build bridges etc. - d.48)! - The spiritual way which a man walks can only be his own, the self-lived and experienced. - No one is a church! ... (J. E. B.)

The three anxiety themes of the press are: money, (see poverty etc. - d.48), sex and death ...
Hitler had an excellent instinct for the secret longings, fears and aggression of the Germans! - Today's society is crazy and feels collectively threatened! - It seeks for scapegoats for the poverty, unemployment, all kinds of addiction, destruction of nature, civil war, suffering and hopelessness, diffuse future fears etc... (B. Ulsamer)

Familienaufstellung – Wikipedia

Bertold Ulsamer: Ohne Wurzeln keine Flügel. Die systemische Therapie von Bert Hellinger. Goldmann, München 1999, ISBN 3-442-14166-4. Katharina Stresius ...
The meaning of all suffering and pain is - to make us clear our separation of "God", the universe ... (J. E. B.)

Hidden truths and denied rights - become poisonous and cause evil ... (R. Breitenbach)

08.07.2024 - K. Langbein & Bitter Pills & cardiovascular disease / J.v.d. Wetering etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Every second 65-year-old suffers from cardiovascular disease (cause of death no. 1 = 50% etc. – d.48)! It is linked to low income and poor living and working conditions. The heart beats around 2,500,000,000 times from birth to death. Around 9000 liters of blood are pumped into the veins every day. Risk factors are: Smoking, high blood pressure, occupational stress, high blood fat levels (cholesterol) and being overweight! ... (K. Langbein, Bitter pills)

Causes of high blood pressure are: side effects of medication (glucocorticoids, pills, estrogens etc), alcohol abuse, too much salt, excess weight, physical inactivity, professional stress (also private stress etc. – d.48), smoking, illnesses (kidneys, hormones etc). - Therapy: Sufficient night’s sleep, elimination of excessive demands, physical exercise, endurance training, low-salt food! ... The human body consists of 50 - 70% water. Every day we consume around 2.5 l of water. - If the body absorbs too much fluid and gradually excretes it, edema (fluid accumulation in the tissue) can occur. This can be accompanied by high blood pressure and weight gain. Edema can be caused by disorders of the kidneys, heart and liver or by medication (phenylbutazone, etc). - Therapy: Physical rest and a low-salt diet! ... 
Angina pectoris (severe pain in the heart area): Plenty of rest and relaxation, reducing excess weight, no heavy meals, no smoking, avoiding stress, sudden exertion, sharp changes in temperature ... Heart failure (shortness of breath, etc. – d.48): Hawthorn, physical rest, low-salt diet, diuretics (mineral water, tea, etc. – d.48) ... The older a person gets, the more “calcified” the blood vessels become. They lose elasticity, harden and narrow. This can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack and kidney disease. The main cause of arteriosclerosis is too high a proportion of fat in the blood (cholesterol)! ... (K. Langbein, Bitter Pills)

Thursday, February 28, 2008
08.10.2000 - Part 2

Interpretation by dali48
Liver is the largest gland in the body: It produces bile for fat digestion, forms red and white blood cells, stores iron, detoxifies the body. - Poisoning of the liver by medication and alcohol: Flu and pain medication, infection, tuberculosis, psychosis, cancer, high blood pressure, contraceptive pills ... (K. Langbein, Bitter Pills)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
The sex drive cannot be sublimated, as religious texts claim. Sexual commitment is programmed into human genes. If you frustrate it, it becomes demonic ... 
Small children and drunks speak the truth. Perhaps even former Zen students who have freed their minds a little from false ideas are accurate reporters ... Understanding on a purely intellectual level can lead to an indifferent attitude that manifests itself in doing nothing ... (J.v.d. Wetering)

It is too late - to do nothing! ... (Allen Ginsberg)