Montag, 24. Juni 2024

24.06.2024 - Volcanoes and Eyjafjallajökull & Ash cloud from Iceland etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing and cycling and photographing near Lake Morper in Erkrath, 8/1983 – 5/2010

07/01/2014 - Volcanoes2 and Eyjafjallajökull etc. by dali48
17.04.2010 - Interpretation of dali48
The ash cloud from Iceland: Eyjafjallajökull paralyzes Europe. Strong winds (see global warming, see deforestation etc. - d.48) which are caused by the eruption of the Icelandic volcano, have driven a giant ash cloud over Europe. Normally, the lava flows quietly down from the Eyjafjallajökul. - This time however, water and magma have connected to an explosive mixture. More eruptions are possible. - But danger is there only for aviation... 
It is the first time in the history of European aviation that it was resorted to such drastic measures, - and that after an outbreak which was more moderate by volcano-logical point of view. - Normally, the Eyjafjallajökull, which last erupted in 1821, is among the predictable volcanoes... 
Up to 11 kilometers the ash cloud was expelled, and fine dust particles can even ascend to an altitude of 20 km and fly around the world...  
On a scale from 0 to 8, with the 8 which would stand for a meltdown like the eruption of the volcano beneath Yellowstone, the Eyjafjallajökull gets only a modest 2. - What is so special concerning the eruption, are the strong winds which drive the first approx. 200 x 100 kilometer ash cloud gradually towards east-southeast... 
But it could be that ash dust is lying on cars, like this happened in 1981 after the eruption of volcano Mount St. Helens in the U.S., and was observed in some places in Germany... 
"Extremely for example, was the eruption of Tambora in Sumatra in 1815, which led to a worldwide fall of the temperatures, and caused crop failures," says Geo-scientists Hahne...
In the case of Eyjafjallajökull, however, Icelandic farmers fear that toxic substances such as fluorine of the ash will stay in the ground. - According to a Scandinavian study from 2007, one in four of the Icelanders died of a fluorine poisoning during the eruption of Lakis in 1783... 
Hot steam also brought large amounts of glacial ice to melt, leading to flooding. - Approximately 700 people were evacuated from the immediate risk zone... 
"We should not forget that there were volcanoes before there were humans. - These elemental forces deserve our respect"... 
The ash destroys engines, - see: 1982 over the Indian Ocean, an emergency landing of a Boeing 747-200 of British Airways in Jakarta, and 1989, a Boeing 747 of KLM with similar problems etc... (Rhine Post, 16.04.2010)

24.06.2024 - Wole Soyinka und Komödie & Tragödie / L.S. Senghor & Poésie etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing Lake Morper in Erkrath etc.

06.01.2014 - Wole Soyinka3 und Tragödie etc. by dali48
22.02.2008 - Interpretation von dali48
Soyinkas Stücke reichen von der Komödie bis zur Tragödie, und von politischer Satire bis zum Theater des Absurden. Er hat Einflüsse aus westlichen Traditionen mit afrikanischen Mythen, Legenden und Traditionen, und Techniken wie Singen und Trommeln kombiniert... (Pegasus Author's Calendar)

Ein Prophet wird verehrt, außer in seinem eigenen Haus. - Menschen, die weise sind, wurden verrückt genannt (aus The Lion And The Jewel)...
Diejenigen, die viel zu geben haben, verwirklichen sich nur in totaler Einsamkeit ...
Amerikanische und britische Schriftsteller, darunter Lilian Hellman und Robert Lowell, protestierten bei der nigerianischen Regierung und Soyinka wurde freigelassen...
The Man Died (1972), beschreibt seine Zeit im Gefängnis. Das Buch wurde in Nigeria verboten. „Verrückte und Spezialisten“, im Jahr 1970 geschrieben, ist Soyinkas pessimistischstes Theaterstück. Es befasste sich mit der Unmenschlichkeit des Menschen und der weit verbreiteten Korruption in den Strukturen der Macht...
Wie der Schriftsteller und Menschenrechtsaktivist Ken Saro-Wiwa (1941-1995), hat Soyinka die Korruption kritisiert, die von der Ölindustrie nach Nigeria gebracht wurde. Saro-Wiwa wurde trotz internationaler Proteste hingerichtet...
Er ist einer der schärfsten Kritiker des Konzepts der „négritude“ (siehe Kultur der Schwarzen etc. – d.48) gewesen, das mit Leopold Senghor, dem Schriftsteller und ehemaligen Präsidenten des Senegals assoziiert worden ist...
Soyinka verteidigt die Idee, dass der Westen Wiedergutmachung für die Verbrechen an der afrikanischen Bevölkerung bezahlen sollte...
Einige Leute denken, der Nobelpreis macht Sie schusssicher. "Ich hatte nie diese Illusion", soll Soyinka einmal gesagt haben... (P.A.C.)

Léopold Sédar Senghor war ein senegalesischer Dichter und Politiker und von 1960 bis 1980 der erste Präsident des Senegal. Wikipedia

Er (Mugabe) ist einer dieser Diktatoren, die im Amt sterben wollen und wird alle abweichenden Meinungen verfolgen lassen ... auf die brutalste Art und Weise, - indem er seine Gegner ermorden, sie quälen und ihre Häuser niederbrennen lässt... (Soyinka in einem CNN-Interview, 2001)

22.02.2008 - Interpretation of dali48
Soyinka's plays range from comedy to tragedy, and from political satire to the theater of the absurd. - He has combined influences from Western traditions with African myths, legends and traditions, and techniques such as singing and drumming...
Some people think the Nobel Prize makes you bulletproof. "I never had this illusion" - Soyinka once said... (Pegasus Author's Calendar)

24.06.2024 - Reason vs. Blindness / Volcanoes & Environment / Problems of Bees & Butterflies etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing near Lake Morper in Erkrath etc.

06.01.2014 - Volcanoes and environmental problems etc. by dali48 
28.10.2000 - Interpretation of dali48 
Reason wants to free mankind of its craziness and its blindness, - of its greed and its hate - because all these evils are the cause of its situation of suffering... (Meier / Khoury) 

Man lives in a bad situation, and he suffers of the dominance of evil. - We cannot close our eyes any longer in front of the big social and environmental problems (see dali48 and Bees & "Flora & Fauna" since ca. 2000 etc. - see “If the bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have 4 years left to live.” ― Albert Einstein) which are confronting us on this planet... (R. Aitken)

Date: May 15, 2024; Source: PLOS; Summary: Bee and butterfly populations are in decline in major regions of North America due to ongoing environmental ...
The earth becomes more explosive - see e.g. 1980, the volcano St. Helens in the US-State of Washington. - 3 of ca. 500 volcanoes become active per month, - the axis of the earth is shifting, - the powers which become effective by that surmount our imagination... (K. Allgeier) 
dali48 ‏@dali48  
Icelandic volcano (Eyjafjallajökull) stops international flights via@Focus online see dali48 on FB,,,, etc.

Vulkane: Isländischer Vulkan stoppt internationalen Flugverkehr ... › Panorama › Aus aller Welt‎ Translate this page
Apr 14, 2010 - Vulkane: Isländischer Vulkan stoppt internationalen Flugverkehr ... dpa In der unmittelbaren Umgebung des Vulkans mussten mehr als 700 Anwohner zum ... In Reykjavik verlautete, dass für Donnerstag mit einer massiven...