dali48 and teaching and writing books and cycling and photographing at Lake Morper in Erkrath etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about Sexuality is what? & the “Middle Way” etc.
21.03.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
Sex is what we make of it - an expensive or cheap goods,
means of reproduction, defense against loneliness, a form
of communication, a weapon of aggression, a sport, love,
beauty, an ideal condition, the evil (see Catholic dogma, etc. - d.
48), the good, luxury or relaxation, reward, escape, a
reason of self-esteem, an expression of duty, pleasure,
union with the cosmos, mystical ecstasy, indirect death
wish or death experience, a path to peace, a legal dispute,
a kind of exploring uncharted territory of human, a
technique, a biological function, expression of mental
health or illness, or simply a sensory experience … (A. Offit /
D. Schadow / H. Schallhammer)
Interpretation of dali48
Human sexuality is the capacity to have erotic experiences
and responses. Human sexuality can also refer to the way
someone is sexually attracted to another person, whether
it is to the opposite sex (heterosexuality), to the same sex
(homosexuality), to either sex (bisexuality), to all gender
identities (pan-sexuality), or not being attracted to anyone
in a sexual manner (asexuality). Human sexuality impacts
cultural, political, legal, and philosophical aspects of life. It
can refer to issues of morality, ethics, theology, spirituality,
or religion. It is not, however, directly tied to gender. Some
cultures have been described as sexually repressive. Sigmund Freud, a firm supporter of the nature argument -
believed that sexual drives are instinctive and viewed
sexuality as the central source of human personality. Freud gave sexual drives a centrality - in human life,
actions, and behaviors that had not been accepted before
his proposal. His instinct theory suggested that humans are
driven from birth by the desire to acquire and enhance
bodily pleasures, thus supporting the nature debate...
Psychological studies of sexuality focus on psychological
influences that affect sexual behavior and experiences.
Early psychological analyses were carried out by Sigmund
Freud - who believed in a psychoanalytic approach. Gender identity is a person's own sense of identification as
female, male, both, neither, or somewhere in between. -
The social construction of gender has been discussed by a
wide variety of scholars, Judith Butler notable among
them. Recent contributions consider the influence of
feminist theory and courtship research. The results of a recent interview study involving 3,000
adults 57 to 85 years of age have shown that health - plays
a role in the level of older adults' sexual activity. The
percentage of sexually active older adults is higher for
those that are in good health than those in poor health. A gradual decrease in testosterone production may cause
physical symptoms such as a lack of energy - erectile
dysfunction, and muscle deterioration. The weakening
health of a man's heart, prostate, kidneys, hearing and
digestive systems are also signs of aging that occur during a
males later life, or climacteric period. What can impact
sexuality in old age is partner availability and health (two
factors that have an impact throughout the lifespan). There are certain diseases, health situations, and
medications - that can have an impact on sex and sexual
activity. There are also many ways to accommodate the
changes. Medications can be altered and the way we
express ourselves sexually can be changed to
accommodate physical limitations. Whatever the case, the
need for intimacy continues throughout the lifespan and
throughout late adulthood. Sex is the right of the woman, not the man and it will or
should only be experienced in times of joy - because it is a
selfish personal satisfaction that must be pleasurable for
both parties. Men cannot force women to have sex, and
women cannot take away sex as punishment because it is
an offense to use sex to manipulate or as a weapon. -
Finally, sex cannot be experienced while intoxicated or
quarreling. Buddhism emphasizes the “Middle Way” which is never
reaching the extremes. - According to this religion,
moderation in everything is key to enlightenment or
nirvana; therefore, human sexuality should fall in the
middle on a continuum from extreme Puritanism to
extreme permissiveness ... (Wikipedia)
Golden Snow
“Hi dali48, next to the weather I believe sex is the next
most discussed ... but unlike the weather which just
happens around us, sex seems to be the more discussed
and most abused than anything else in the world ... what a
shame once it was a beautiful thing that happened
between a man and a woman because it expressed their
complete love for each other ... now used to obtain a
better position at work and a night of "FUN" ... sex can be
beautiful, caring and exiting when with the one you love ...
but to me real love starts in the heart a caring that moves
above lust, just wanting to care for, protect, enjoy life
with ... sharing great music and learning from each other ...
feelings that can last a life time ... I believe sex is over rated
... (my thoughts). I can hear the booing now ... but I have
received feelings so deep from a song played for me,
lasted for days, sweet thoughts ... words that fill the
heart ... if more was thought of like this old age would
holding of hands and cuddles that reached the soul ...
intimacy comes from a glance across a room, sharing
memories ... "Buddhism has it right human sexually should
fall in the middle” …
dali48 and writing and cycling and photographing in Wickrath since 6/2010 etc.
dali48 and menaced private teaching (since 1989) and writing books & cycling & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010.
dali48 and playing chess and stopping smoking as a sports student in Tübingen in the 70s etc.
I'm neither right nor left, see Salvador Dali in this context - I'm only dali48
"Non-sexual intimacy is therapeutic. Deep conversations, healthy silence, a unique joke from an old memory, similar interests; beautiful stuff." (@ML_Philosophy
“If the Trees disappeared off the face of the earth - mankind would only have little left to live healthy,” see e.g. Amazonas forest etc. (dali48)
"Getting older is realizing putting yourself first isn’t selfish, it’s necessary" (@meauhlback
"Some people go through our lives to teach us not to be like them." ( Lev Tolstoy)
"is it ethical to hoard bread when families are starving?" (@existentialcoms
)"The goal isn’t money, the goal is to spend your days as you wish." (@ML_Philosophy
)“Give a child a good birth (if at all possible, no drugs to the mother)=1 and a good first three years, especially a good first three months, and a major part of the job of child rearing is done.” ― Arthur Janov, The Biology of Love"Be teachable. You’re not always right." (@ML_Philosophy)
"The tombstone of capitalism will later say: too much was not enough." (Volker Pispers)
"Smiling mobilizes 15 muscles, but sulking requires 40. Rest: smile!" (Christophe André)
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift that"s why they call it the present." - (@TheWordicle)
"When you realize how precious and fragile life is, it changes your whole perspective." (Ryan O’Donnell)
"A kind word can warm up to three months of winter" - Japanese proverb
"It’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction." (@wise_chimp)
"The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth." - Lao Tzu
"... We get old too soon, and wise too late." (@_AhmadHijazi)
"Nothing in the world is worth turning away from what we love" - Albert Camus
I am allowed to say NO to others and YES to myself." (@Lenka49044040)
"You can only live forwards, understand life only backwards." (Søren Kierkegaard)
"Write your life - Or they'll wait till you're dead to write the lie" ... (@spectraspeaks)
see "Remove the idea that anybody else is responsible for your misery and suffering; that somebody can give meaning to your life. Accept that you are alone, born alone (premature birth, 7 months etc. - d.48), and you will die alone" ... (Osho)
see dali48 and dreaming & visions, see e.g. The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake & tsunami etc, see Golden G. Snow "I journey I know it's true. I've seen the future too. In my "journey", things are not good. So much of the earth will be ... soon. I have no more to say."), and NDE and reincarnation and reading & writing ...
see scott_hurst retweeted by dali48 "If all the atheists left the USA, it would lose 93% of the National Academy of Sciences but less than 1% of the prison population" …
I found this dairy of great interest and enjoyed the journey ... it is filled with well written information that covers all age groups , from history to health both in body and mind ... the why's and where's are answered in complete ... thanks dali48 for sharing ...
Thank you for sharing. Your braveness to fight illness has inspired me to face life in a different way dali48. I love the concept of living in the moment and breathing into it. This has improved my health both in body and mind.
Deutsch Ausgabe | von 48 Dali | 28. Dezember 2009
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dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing etc...
see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 in Erkrath etc. - instead of Ecology & Health etc. - Uncontrolled capitalism (without UBI & wealth tax) produces evil as bees produce honey, see Instead of €100 billion for armaments - €50 billion for #ClimateEmergency 2022 & UBI etc.
see @nur_Dagmar / ntv: "Global #militaryspending exceeds for the first time 2 TRILLION dollars" (2022) - instead of 1 trillion for #ClimateEmergency 2022 and basic income etc. (dali48)
see dali48 & #ClimateEmergency 2022 instead of clean air & drinking water, enough trees & fish, #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & Basic Income (see https://eusignday.eu) & biodiversity & health & cures instead of war etc.
see dali48 & #ClimateEmergency 2022 (https://insideclimatenews.org/.../cold-weather-polar.../ via , cold spells, #heatwave #Pakistan & #India 62°C/143°F, #Copernicus #Sentinel3 LST, dryness, 'gigafires' & air pollution (Australia, Amazonas (#amazon #brasilien #luigicani #bäume #natur #pflanzen #säen), California, South Europe, South America, etc), floods, hurricanes, cyclones etc. since ca. 2000, loss of home in Africa, Southeast Asia & Pacific etc. - despite Club of Rome in the 70s, Copenhagen 2009, Paris 2015, Coronavirus 2020, #EarthOvershootDay 2021, #COP26, mass extinction, ecocide (https://www.stopecocide.earth/.../ecocide-due-to-biomass...), "ethnic cleansing", factory farming & zoonoses, racing in the wrong direction, see Instead of €100 billion for armaments - €50 billion for #ClimateEmergency 2022 and basic income etc. (dali48), see https://www.boell.de/.../20/wettrennen-die-falsche-richtung, see #SaveTibetSaveThePlanet, see Indigenous Climate Action etc. - instead of clean air & drinking water, enough trees & fish, #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & Basic Income (see https://eusignday.eu) & biodiversity & health & cures instead of war and inflation etc. see History & Genocide of Minorities & Scapegoats - instead of @UNHumanRights and Protection of #environmentdefenders & reparation for natives etc... (dali48)
Don't see swallows here in Wickrath (2018) as before at Lake Unterbach where they were deeply flying before the rain, and were nearly touching my head till 2010... (dali48)
see dali48 and Concerning Chernobyl 1986, see sohub.io/uo63, see sohub.io/st6t, and Fukushima 2011 - see http://www.mdr.de/.../video-2362_zc-b45e8c8c_zs-6da2f47c... - see Comparison of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidentshttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Comparison_of_the_C... The following table compares the nuclear accidents at the Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima Daiichi (2011) nuclear power plants, the only INES level 7 nuclear ... Survivors of nuclear testing should get reparation by the UN etc. (dali48)