Samstag, 8. Juni 2024

08.06.2024 - Life and Truth and Suffering and Illness etc.

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dali48 and writing books and photographing "Flora and Fauna" in Wickrath etc.
08.06.2018 - Life2 and Truth etc... 
Interpretation of dali48
I am subject to decay and old age, sickness and death has power on me, too - Is it right that I feel...? 
And while I thought about it, died within me all the joy of… (Buddha)
Noble 8-fold path to salvation: avoid both, the extreme of...
The four noble truths: all life is suffering (samsara)...
End the suffering by salvation, liberation from samsara - and the way to end the suffering...
Doctrine of “non-self”: there is no soul, no permanent, stable, and imperishable “ego or self” - but only...
Critical to the ability to act as a medium - was the physical abstinence… (A. Grinshaw)
The mystic consciousness can always rest in the... - unless it must enter the world of…
If our life is touched by deep concerns - we must now turn inward and look for the true... - At the end of our search we will find… (P. Brunton)
What is through illness or... - can help us to wake up... - at the end of our...
“The sweetness seemed... - and the bitterness seemed...” …  (O. Wilde)

Golden Snow “I could really get into this one today .... not enough room on my page”

08.06.2024 - Divine soul & karma / Photosynthesis & fresh air / Freedom of speech etc.

Related image
dali48 and writing books and photographing "Flora & Fauna" in Wickrath etc.
08.06.2018 - Photosynthesis2 and freedom of speech etc...
Interpretation of dali48
Because the divine soul in man is present, man is obliged to reflect divine attributes in his thinking and... (P. Brunton)
Man forgets quickly - but the karma...
The Christian doctrine is exhausted and has no influence - because it lacks in...
Who the “right thing” at the wrong time is doing, is located almost in the same situation - as the one who is...”
Joy is rarely without pain - Often follows it suffering, just as the shadow follows... (P. Brunton)

Currently, we can still live, and we owe this to photosynthesis, too – if we think in short-term dimensions... (Puetz / Niklas)
What gives us air to breathe?
The other key factor in the creation of the air around us is photosynthesis – the process through which plants live, and in which carbon dioxide is extracted from the atmosphere to be replaced with oxygen. Fact: Plants and trees play a vital role in producing the oxygen in the air we breathe. (Google)
There is a dead silence, which only means the absence of words - and there is a living silence... (P. Brunton)   
Golden Snow “beautiful words dali48 ... I am teaching myself again because of illness ... I spend some time in... though I knew the story ... I see with new eyes how ... even back then the freedom of speech was smothered..."