Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2024

12.06.2024 - Fear and Chronic anxiety and Feelings and Memory researchers etc. by dali48

dali48 and writing ediary6-12 and photographing his bike in the park of Wickrath etc.

09.02.2014 - Fear1 and chronic anxiety etc. by dali48

02.04.2010 - Interpretation of dali48
When I saw a half-dead young bee in our flat in Erkrath in April 2010 I dipped a cotton swab in honey to revive it - Then I put it on the cool and wet earth of a house plant - after about 15 minutes the bee climbed out of the pot and was able to fly out of the window... (dali48)

The hidden face of fear: What is behind anxiety? - New insights into a human feeling…
On 11 September 2001 New York became the epicenter of a new epidemic of fear, spreading through the entire Western world. - Fear can either take on a whole society as well as the spirit of an individual person…
The filmmakers Enrico Cerascuolo and Sergio Fergnachino present the research of Joseph LeDoux and the Nobel laureate Eric R. Kandel, two internationally recognized memory researchers who deal with the topic of fear. - It also shows how these research findings were applied to patients of the New York CNFA (Center for Neuroscience of Fear and Anxiety)... (ARTE, 1 / 2010)

The psychologist David H. Barlow of Boston University conducted a study that showed three common
characteristics of people suffering from chronic anxiety, which he characterized as "a generalized biological vulnerability," - "a generalized psychological vulnerability," - and "a specific psychological vulnerability"… While chemical issues in the brain that result in anxiety (especially resulting from genetics) are well documented, this study highlights an additional environmental factor - that may result from being raised by parents suffering from chronic anxiety themselves... According to Viktor Frankl, the author of Man's Search for Meaning, when a person is faced with extreme mortal dangers - the most basic of all human wishes is to find a meaning of life - to combat the "trauma of nonbeing" as death is near... (Wikipedia)

Anxiety disorders are a cluster of mental disorders characterized by significant and uncontrollable feelings of anxiety and fear such that a person's social ...

Golden Snow
“dali48, I used to search the internet for everything and with my lack of knowledge in how to surf the net I became lost ... When I picked up on your Blogspots, Pinterest etc. I found everything I would need from health, gardens, history, thanks for your help ... we all benefit from your posts”...

Golden Snow
“your post on Fear and Anxiety much needed knowledge for us today ... the world is moving faster and faster, new this and new that ... it seems one is forever having to learn how use something ... our society is clogged with everything ... to understand the cause of our anxiety and deal with them is in itself a blessing … yes, coming from homes where anxiety is expressed by parents can have a great effect on the next generation”...

12.06.2024 - Experiences (NDE) etc. / "Macrobiotics" and fruits and nuts etc. by dali48

dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing fruits in Wickrath etc.

08.02.2014 - Experiences1 and "macrobiotics" etc. by dali48

10.02.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
Recent studies on so-called Near Death Experiences, the reports of reanimated people and of various
parapsychological phenomena, let it appear plausible - that at death a complicated separation of mind and body happens... (R. Craan)

Miso (soup) binds radioactive substances - helps to prevent cancer, includes proteins, enzymes, bacteria and yeast, promotes digestion and metabolism helps with colds, parasites and bad skin, contains B12, eliminates toxins... (A. T. Kushi)

Interpretation of dali48
Macrobiotics: animal food - can be replaced by fruits and nuts (? - d.48). In terms of using the word "macrobiotics" - in relation to health, food, and energy or life force, Hufeland could be considered the founder of macrobiotics... Ishizuka's theory was that a natural diet - in which foods are eaten in season and attention is paid to the correct balance of potassium and sodium and acid and alkaline, leads to good health... Whole grains, vegetables, beans, sea vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds are thought to create balance - Foods such as these are used in a macrobiotic way of eating... The following nutrients should be monitored especially in children - because of their importance in facilitating growth and function: calcium, protein, iron, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin B12, riboflavin, vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids...

Golden Snow
“Referring to the new death experience dali48 , when I had my first son I was very young and had a very hard time with the birth ... I was told that I died and a priest was called in, and my husband was in shock ... when I opened my eyes everyone was crying ... I remember leaving my body and entering a soft white light, and seemed to be rushing threw a long and comforting light ... my feet came down because it seemed I was drifting through this light in a flying position ... I stood at the bottom of a staircase ... looking up, my eyes fell onto a figure of a man ... I've seen all of him in a white flock but his face was so bright that I could not look upon it ... He said, my daughter it is not your time ... you have a son ... you must return ... when I told the Priest, he said that I was dreaming ... dali48, I know I was not ... I was just sixteen and knew nothing of Christ ... a dream , I think not ... I also had a similar experience with a dangerous operation
that I went under when I lived in London Ontario ...”