Montag, 28. Dezember 2009

10.07.2013 - Google2 und Weihnachtsgeschenke etc...

dali48 and writing books and photographing in Wickrath etc...

28.12.2009 - Interpretation von dali48

Herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße von Ihrem Google-Team
Google spendet 20.000.000 US$ an Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen:

* Feeding America
* Boys and Girls Clubs
* Smile Train
* CARE, Mothers Matter
* World Wildlife Fund, Natural Capital Project
* Mobile Creches
* Prajwala
* HEAL Africa
* African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

* The Mango Tree
* National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
* Harlem Children's Zone
* Save the Children, Latin America focus
* Reporters Without Borders
* Witness
* Loud Against Nazis (see Application no.:  *10192/08*
> Name of case:  *ECHR-LGer0.1mod KU/BPE*
> Respondent State:  *GER*
> Date:  *04/04/2008* etc. - d.48)
* Global Voices

* Ushahidi
* Save the Children, Middle East and Eurasia focus
* Grupo Cultural Afro Reaggae
* Ashesi University College, Ghana
* Pratham
* Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience
* Shin Shin Educational Foundation
* Tzu Chi Foundation

Annex2 to the blogs of dali48

10.11.2016 - Activities2 and Relationships etc...

dali48 and writing books and photographing "flora and fauna" etc...

10 Daily Activities That Will Save Your Relationships... on HP

For further reading, see Books, blogs, comments, tweets, buzz... of dali48 on Google, Twitter, Facebook, Blogspot, Goodreads, StumbleUpon, Amazon,, Pinterest, etc...
08.07.2013 - 10 Daily Activities That Will Save Your Relationships - see dali48 and Relationships etc...

Annex2 to the blogs of dali48