dali48 and teaching and writing books and cycling in Erkrath etc...
28.05.1998 - Interpretation of dali48
Accepting your lost child with open arms is the beginning of your work and the courage to self-love - It is a life-long commitment - Do not forget, of all the people you know, you are the only person you will never lose... - Detachment process means - to leave the parental home. Outbreak from hypnosis - and break the spell. Work on anger and resentment. Group therapy. Pick up the unique child in your heart with open arms - and place your primary defense mechanisms and rigid roles - Stop compulsive behavior. In order to reveal the shame transferred to you - being normal and mediocre. Corrective experiences with regard to basic needs. Original pain - and mourning work of abandonment. Structure of the values. I-repair and border work - Re-experiencing childhood needs as an adult. Longing for a stable family - Guilt of survivors... - In order to lead an appropriate life, we need strong ego limits - As overcautious co-dependent survivors, our lives were dominated by suffering and threat... (J. Bradshaw)
John Elliot Bradshaw (June 29, 1933 – May 8, 2016) was an American educator, counselor, motivational speaker, and author who hosted a number of PBS ...
dali48author @dali48
05.10.2015 - Autoreninterview.doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/17Rwx8zAt1OxVtCsQpg0YqSew0PWjCf6g5z-VclflnoY/edit?usp=sharing … see dali48 on Google,Blogspot,Bod.de,StumbleUpon,Pinterest,Twitter,Goodreads...
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dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing etc...
see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and "Banking Crisis" 2008 and poor people and social diseases and speculation and homelessness and robots etc. - instead of UBI & Ecology - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce...
see dali48 and Climate Change and heat waves and dryness and burning and also floods and Hurricanes etc. - since ca. 2000 and despite Copenhagen 2009 etc. - instead of #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & UBI etc...