Mittwoch, 12. August 2020

12.08.2020 - Meaning of human life and Buddhism / dali48 and images etc...

dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing a daisy etc...

Search Results

diary of dali48: 04.02.2016 - Human Life3 and Buddhism etc... dali48 and writing books and photographing parks etc...   
11.03.1999 - Interpretation by dali48 Through our actions and “karma” from the i...

Meaning of life - Wikipedia

The meaning of life, or the answer to the question: "What is the meaning of life?", pertains to the significance of living or existence in general. Many other related questions include: "Why are we here? ... The Buddhist sūtras and tantras do not speak about "the meaning of life" or "the purpose of life", but about the potential of ...
Annex4 to the blogs of dali48
dali48author ‏@dali48
05.10.2015 - Autoreninterview.doc - see dali48 on Google,Blogspot,,StumbleUpon,Pinterest,Twitter,Goodreads...

dali48 on Goodreads Share  
this URL:  diary3 by dali48 on twitter

diary of dali48: 08.10.2018 - Ecology and Environment and Interaction... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

Collection ediary 6-12 of dali48

dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing etc...
see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and of "Banking Crisis" since 2008 and of corona-virus since 2020 etc. - instead UBI & Ecology - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce honey ...
see dali48 and Climate Change and heat waves and dryness and fires (Australia, Amazonas etc.) and also floods and hurricanes etc. - since ca. 2000 and despite Copenhagen 2009 and Paris 2015, and Coronavirus since 2020 etc. - instead of #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & UBI & biodiversity etc...

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