Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020

15.07.2020 - A day with electric power outage / Albano & Romina / Wind Power / etc...

dali48 and writing books and photographing parks etc...

17.05.2011 - Interpretation of dali48

Yesterday morning (17.05.) I was awakened by a strange noise and found that my alarm clock at the foot of my bed is not as usual indicating the time. In the pale light that fell through the skylight I was looking for my watch on my old student desk from Tübingen days. With my little blue pocket light trailer, I went to the fuse box and tried again to turn on the light - but it stayed dark. Shortly after 6 o’clock I heard my wife out of the bathroom cursing because the shower was cold. When preparing for the office in Dusseldorf, she found out that the stair lighting did not work either. - It didn't work, not only here with us but throughout the house ...

After she had left I went to the kitchen to prepare my morning tea in the microwave. - It also did not work, and so I drank cold cocoa for breakfast. My mobile phone was working at least, "God" be thanked, so I could send an SMS to our son in the neighborhood. Also the laptop was still working on battery, and I could transfer my post of 4/5/2011 from the writing book to the blogger. Then I continued to work on my unpublished blogs for the Internet - correcting, even censor and translate into English. Besides, I heard my favorite music on the MP3 player, Albano & Romina, "Siempre tu", etc...
ALBANO y ROMINA POWER SIEMPRESIEMPRE Canal de RadioRecuerdos canal complementario de ...
May 14, 2011 - Uploaded by RadioRecuerdos

At 9.24 a.m. I sent an SMS to our landlord, who meant that at 10.16 the electric current would function again, and then I prepared a second breakfast in the kitchen - with hot tea, soft egg, etc, and pushed an apple strudel in the oven ...

In the meantime, countless thoughts were going through my mind (see e.g. first oil crisis in 1974, as a student at the University of Tübingen, etc. - d.48), how to reduce the dependence on electricity a little bit – e.g. by self-generated solar and wind power on the roof, etc. to produce at least the minimum requirement of solar power yourself - for light, microwave, fridge, laptop, etc! ... (dali48)

Yes, John C. I agree that many things are adding up to a giant, dangerous headache for us. I also agree that the majority of people do not feel the need to change. Like lemings we will merrily run along following the pack until the sudden free-fall off the cliff ends our illusions. But on a happier note, some people are taking this more seriously and are converting their homes & travel to methods more beneficial to reducing their dependence upon the petro-narcotic and other wasteful ways of generating electrical power. Just recently a Texas oilman announced that he is helping get us off oil by building a wind-powered electrical generating plant that can power around 60,000 homes. Under the title of: Billionaire Oilman backs Wind Power, CNN reported the story at the following web site:

Monday, 22. November 2010
Nokero's goal is to reduce the use of kerosene and other fuels used for lighting. Primarily by the 1.6 billion people who live without electricity ...

Nokero, short for 'No Kerosene,' utilizes solar technology to harvest the sun's energy into an efficient and affordable product. The company's goal is to eliminate the dependence of kerosene lamps in developing countries around the world, one solar lamp at a time.Aug 11, 2016

Tagebuch 2008 by 48 Dali
Diary 2008 is about many valuable tips from the alternative medicine and natural medicine. The introduction to Zen Buddhism is also good for laymen to understand. Inspiring and stimulating to further reading are the excerpts from speeches of Nobel laureates in literature - starting with Le Clézio (2008) back to Beckett, Böll, Kawabata, Solzhenitsyn, etc...

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Buy Tagebuch 2008 by Dali48 (ISBN: 9783837081220) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
Annex4 to the blogs of dali48
see Natalia Wilson our site, see resource page, 
dali48author ‏@dali48
05.10.2015 - Autoreninterview.doc - see dali48 on Google,Blogspot,,StumbleUpon,Pinterest,Twitter,Goodreads...

dali48 on Goodreads Share  
this URL:  diary3 by dali48 on twitter

diary of dali48: 08.10.2018 - Ecology and Environment and Interaction... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

Collection ediary 6-12 of dali48

dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing etc...
see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and "Banking Crisis" 2008 and poor people and social diseases and speculation and homelessness and robots and corona-virus 2020 etc. - instead of UBI & Ecology - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce honey ...
see dali48 and Climate Change and heat waves and dryness and fires (Australia, Amazonas etc.) and also floods and hurricanes etc. - since ca. 2000 and despite Copenhagen 2009 and Coronavirus since 2020 etc. - instead of #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & UBI & biodiversity etc...

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