Montag, 28. Dezember 2009

10.07.2013 - Google2 und Weihnachtsgeschenke etc...

dali48 and writing books and photographing in Wickrath etc...

28.12.2009 - Interpretation von dali48

Herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße von Ihrem Google-Team
Google spendet 20.000.000 US$ an Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen:

* Feeding America
* Boys and Girls Clubs
* Smile Train
* CARE, Mothers Matter
* World Wildlife Fund, Natural Capital Project
* Mobile Creches
* Prajwala
* HEAL Africa
* African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

* The Mango Tree
* National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
* Harlem Children's Zone
* Save the Children, Latin America focus
* Reporters Without Borders
* Witness
* Loud Against Nazis (see Application no.:  *10192/08*
> Name of case:  *ECHR-LGer0.1mod KU/BPE*
> Respondent State:  *GER*
> Date:  *04/04/2008* etc. - d.48)
* Global Voices

* Ushahidi
* Save the Children, Middle East and Eurasia focus
* Grupo Cultural Afro Reaggae
* Ashesi University College, Ghana
* Pratham
* Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience
* Shin Shin Educational Foundation
* Tzu Chi Foundation

Annex2 to the blogs of dali48

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